How do you fight off vegans?

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    Nadya Topalovaivan

    I know the best answer is, probably, don't even bother, but still….There is always someone who makes that "life changing" decision and goes vegan. Every once in a while, that person is someone, who I actually care for (more or less, anyway) and when they start posting the YouTube videos with some gross raw meat and some random "scientific" research, in the form of a post on some blog, saying how pretty much every decease out there is because of meat.There is always that "so you know how much more digestible protein is in Chia seeds and Godji berries, than in red meat.." crap that pisses me right off and I start throwing pans and pots all around me.I'm sure you've heard it all, just as I have.What I'm asking is, what are your best arguments when talking to non-meat eaters?P.s. Or are they all right, and we should just go vegan? (always keep an open mind, they say)



    I say it should be illegal, its no different to self-harm



    I know the best answer is, probably, don't even bother, but still....What I'm asking is, what are your best arguments when talking to non-meat eaters?

    Eat a steak wrapped in bacon with a side of hamburger meat.



    I know the best answer is, probably, don't even bother, but still....What I'm asking is, what are your best arguments when talking to non-meat eaters?

    Eat a steak wrapped in bacon with a side of hamburger meat.

    I know some very nice vegan that accept all people and forms of eating that others do..  Not all of them are hostile and trying to convert the world..  🙂


    Nadya Topalovaivan

    I know the best answer is, probably, don't even bother, but still....What I'm asking is, what are your best arguments when talking to non-meat eaters?

    Eat a steak wrapped in bacon with a side of hamburger meat.

    I know some very nice vegan that accept all people and forms of eating that others do..  Not all of them are hostile and trying to convert the world..  🙂

    I'm sure there are, but I'm yet to meet one. Probably unlucky.The steak wrapped in bacon was actually my dinner last night. 🙂 That should convert the best of them.



    I don't have a problem with vegans per se. I think paradise said she had issues with eating meat and that's why she became vegan.  My issue comes from them taking some self-imposed moral high ground about eating meat.  That the act of eating meat is immoral and cruel to me is ridiculous and counter-intuitive to where we have come to evolve as humans.  Frolic in your meadow with your unicorns and butterflies....I'll have a rib-eye.



    I have heard from a number of sources that the number of animals killed is much higher by harvesting crops than by the meat/fish industry(e.g., small animals get caught in the machinery harvesting wheat).  This is my go to.  Then there's also the fact that humans are extremely well-adapted to digesting meat–research the expensive tissue hypothesis.  There's also the fact that the protein from vegan sources is much less bioavailable than animal sources in general, plant fats are arguably artherogenic with the exceptions of coconut oil and olive oil.


    Robert Gray

    I don't fight off vegans.  Unless they make themselves annoying through misplaced high-mindedness, or start spouting unfiltered streams of bull like “peanut butter and soy are good protein sources,” then it's just not worth my time.


    Nadya Topalovaivan

    Great points guys.The best thing I heard was that "the body synthesizes protein by itself when you're a vegetarian." That was my cue to leave the conversation.   



    I don't fight off vegans.  Unless they make themselves annoying through misplaced high-mindedness, or start spouting unfiltered streams of bull like "peanut butter and soy are good protein sources," then it's just not worth my time.

    steak thru the heart..  Just like vampires right..  :D:D:DSent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2



    Great points guys.The best thing I heard was that "the body synthesizes protein by itself when you're a vegetarian." That was my cue to leave the conversation. 

    Yes...and humans synthesize oxygen in space. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2



    Interesting topic. I know a pretty standard vegan and I have to say our friendship has gone a little south since. I feel very uncomfortable eating around him and always turn down meal invites. Am afraid to get in to a conversation about food with him. I don't think me pointing out the many faults in the China Study book will go down too well.



    They run away when I brandish my meat sword



    more vegans > less demand for beef > i play less for my steak = don't fight with vegans



    Stupid thread detected.Anti-vegans are worse than those overly motivated vegans.

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How do you fight off vegans?

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