How do you fight off vegans?

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    Stupid thread detected.Anti-vegans are worse than those overly motivated vegans.

    I think you missed the point.  It's how to "fight off vegans," not "how to attack vegans."


    Brandon D Christ

    Stupid thread detected.Anti-vegans are worse than those overly motivated vegans.

    I am anti-vegan.  However, I know what you are saying.  I think people should keep their nutritional opinions to themselves unless someone asks their opinion.  I can't stand anyone that looks down on anyone because of their food choices.  It's just food.Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, don't give a crap about your diet and it doesn't make you a better person.



    Stupid thread detected.Anti-vegans are worse than those overly motivated vegans.

    I am anti-vegan.  However, I know what you are saying.  I think people should keep their nutritional opinions to themselves unless someone asks their opinion.  I can't stand anyone that looks down on anyone because of their food choices.  It's just food.Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, don't give a crap about your diet and it doesn't make you a better person.

    Agreed, but with that said I don't think I could date a vegan/vegetarian. Pretty sure it would result in arguments which would be stupid but likely. Granted it is annoying when people always steal the meat I cooked which wouldn't be a problem with a vegan/vegetarian haha.



    The best way to explain to a vegan why they are wrong is to explain to them that humans are designed to eat meat and vegetation. The chemistry of our stomachs and the shape of our teeth show it definitively.


    Brandon D Christ

    Stupid thread detected.Anti-vegans are worse than those overly motivated vegans.

    I am anti-vegan.  However, I know what you are saying.  I think people should keep their nutritional opinions to themselves unless someone asks their opinion.  I can't stand anyone that looks down on anyone because of their food choices.  It's just food.Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, don't give a crap about your diet and it doesn't make you a better person.

    Agreed, but with that said I don't think I could date a vegan/vegetarian. Pretty sure it would result in arguments which would be stupid but likely. Granted it is annoying when people always steal the meat I cooked which wouldn't be a problem with a vegan/vegetarian haha.

    I agree I probably couldn't date a vegan either because most vegan's DO try to shove their diet down your throat.  However, if a vegan didn't care how I ate and never talked about being a vegan I wouldn't have a problem dating them.



    Stupid thread detected.Anti-vegans are worse than those overly motivated vegans.

    I am anti-vegan.  However, I know what you are saying.  I think people should keep their nutritional opinions to themselves unless someone asks their opinion.  I can't stand anyone that looks down on anyone because of their food choices.  It's just food.Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, don't give a crap about your diet and it doesn't make you a better person.

    Agreed, but with that said I don't think I could date a vegan/vegetarian. Pretty sure it would result in arguments which would be stupid but likely. Granted it is annoying when people always steal the meat I cooked which wouldn't be a problem with a vegan/vegetarian haha.

    I agree I probably couldn't date a vegan either because most vegan's DO try to shove their diet down your throat.  However, if a vegan didn't care how I ate and never talked about being a vegan I wouldn't have a problem dating them.

    Agree. I have never tried to convert a friend to paleo, CBL etc etc. But vegans are relentless. Sending you and others emails, do the 30 day vegan challenge, "you are an idiot for eating dairy", save the animals and on and on.



    The best way to explain to a vegan why they are wrong is to explain to them that humans are designed to eat meat and vegetation. The chemistry of our stomachs and the shape of our teeth show it definitively.

    Humans can eat almost ANYTHING. That argument just doesn't count. Our body is perfectly suited to digest plant food as well as meat. Compare the human digestion system to that of a cat. Humans are omnivores and not carnivores.There were phases in human development where most people ate meat and other phases in which almost nobody ate meat. The body adapts quickly. That's why most theory about Paelo is bullshit. We are no cavemen.



    I think Paleo gets a bad wrap just because it named itself Paleo. It really needs a better name. I think Kiefer has said this also. Ultimately what I think the main message of Paleo is to just eat real food and not processed crap. If your great grandma couldn't tell you what it is then you probably shouldn't eat it.



    Try telling people you are a carnivore in the most casual way possible, see what happens.



    Try telling people you are a carnivore in the most casual way possible, see what happens.

    LOL.  I used to work with a vegetarian when I first started CBL, and I would always feel so self-conscious about my lunch like she was judging me.  She never really said anything about it, but I still felt bad pounding a lb of sausage in front of her.  One day she brought in some muscle milk, and she said she did it because vegetarians usually have trouble getting in protein.  I had mad respect for her after that.



    The best way to explain to a vegan why they are wrong is to explain to them that humans are designed to eat meat and vegetation. The chemistry of our stomachs and the shape of our teeth show it definitively.

    Humans can eat almost ANYTHING. That argument just doesn't count. Our body is perfectly suited to digest plant food as well as meat. Compare the human digestion system to that of a cat. Humans are omnivores and not carnivores.There were phases in human development where most people ate meat and other phases in which almost nobody ate meat. The body adapts quickly. That's why most theory about Paelo is bullshit. We are no cavemen.

    Humans can eat almost anything.  We are lucky to be developed now to the point that we have the cognitive functioning and can make those decisions.  We would not, however, come to be where we are now without meat. don't have a problem with Vegans per se, but when you tell me I'm immoral for killing an animal to eat it I have a real problem with that.  If you want to eat carrots the rest of your life..fine.  If you have a true dislike for the taste/texture of meat and that's what you're basing your decision off of that's fine too.  If you have some self-glorified sense of morality because you DON'T eat meat, then I don't want to hear about it.The title of the forum was how to fight off vegans....not how to attack vegans.I want some bacon.



    but when you tell me I'm immoral for killing an animal to eat it I have a real problem with that.

    Modern production of meat is immoral. For me it's okay to eat meat, but not what meat factories are doing to produce as cheap as possible. Those poor animals have to live a horrible life, they are full of sickness, kept alive with chemicals  and it is not healthy to eat their meat.I think respecting every living being is important. Not doing it is immoral for me.Eat meat but don't treat them like they are worthless. 🙂


    Brandon D Christ

    but when you tell me I'm immoral for killing an animal to eat it I have a real problem with that.

    Modern production of meat is immoral. For me it's okay to eat meat, but not what meat factories are doing to produce as cheap as possible. Those poor animals have to live a horrible life, they are full of sickness, kept alive with chemicals  and it is not healthy to eat their meat.I think respecting every living being is important. Not doing it is immoral for me.Eat meat but don't treat them like they are worthless. 🙂

    I agree, but for many people that is the only meat they have access to.  It took me years to find meat that was from animals that were raised properly.  I am happy I found it, but others might not be so lucky.  I think it's better to eat factory raised meat than no meat at all.

    I think Paleo gets a bad wrap just because it named itself Paleo. It really needs a better name. I think Kiefer has said this also. Ultimately what I think the main message of Paleo is to just eat real food and not processed crap. If your great grandma couldn't tell you what it is then you probably shouldn't eat it.

    I agree with this.  NO ONE eats like Paleolithic man.  Even the most hardcore paleo follower.  Ultimately paleo isn't really a diet, it's just an idea that for ultimate health you avoid processed food and foods that could potentially give you issues (gluten, soy, peanuts, dairy, even eggs and fish).



    I agree with this.  NO ONE eats like Paleolithic man.  Even the most hardcore paleo follower.  Ultimately paleo isn't really a diet, it's just an idea that for ultimate health you avoid processed food and foods that could potentially give you issues (gluten, soy, peanuts, dairy, even eggs and fish).

    People really neglect the fact that there was actually a good deal of variation in the "real paleolithic" diet too.  Robb Wolf just wrote something on this; depending on where you look, civilizations were consuming different things in different places.  The whole idea that there is even a single, distinct paleo diet is a little bogus; it's more about what you're saying.


    Brandon D Christ

    I agree with this.  NO ONE eats like Paleolithic man.  Even the most hardcore paleo follower.  Ultimately paleo isn't really a diet, it's just an idea that for ultimate health you avoid processed food and foods that could potentially give you issues (gluten, soy, peanuts, dairy, even eggs and fish).

    People really neglect the fact that there was actually a good deal of variation in the "real paleolithic" diet too.  Robb Wolf just wrote something on this; depending on where you look, civilizations were consuming different things in different places.  The whole idea that there is even a single, distinct paleo diet is a little bogus; it's more about what you're saying.

    Exactly.  I actually think Ethon was hinting at this.  Humans simply ate the foods they had access to. 

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How do you fight off vegans?

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