How do you fight off vegans?

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    Brandon D Christ

    And what is this about sunlight? I fail to see a reason behind that statement.Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2




    I know photosynthesis very well. most likely I have studied it with more depth than i wouldve liked. I still dont understand what you are saying .Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2



    What I dislike about the meat industry is the quality of the meat is reduced because of all those questionable practices. I don't think this makes me one of those crazies who like torturing animals or something, but I also would have no issue snapping a chicken's neck with my bare hands to feed myself if I needed to.

    Yea modern society has separated the person from how their food is produced.  If you talk to anyone who raised livestock for a living they have a completely different attitude towards raising/slaughtering animals.  While not the most pleasant experience, they realize killing for food is a means to an end.  I don't think there would be as many "animal lovers" (by that I mean PETA types) if they grew up raising animals or hunted for their own food.

    But the people had much more respect for their animals.Most people today don't know where their meat comes from and they don't care. Funny video:



    How do you fight off vegans? Considering their average build, I think taking the question literally would mean that this shouldn't be a hard task 😉



    No way bro, all the vegans I know are know shaolin kung fu masters and believe that “big muscles” and ability to lift heavy things are totally powerless before the might of a flying crane kick coming from a 125 pound hipster.I don't know, maybe it's cause I look smug as shit, but vegans never talk to me about their diet.



    I don't know, maybe it's cause I look smug as shit, but vegans never talk to me about their diet.

    Or maybe the reason is that you are not surrounded by idiots.  😛There are exactly 2 cases where  a discussion about someone's diet makes sense : When a person is dangerously obese or anorexic.



    I don't know, maybe it's cause I look smug as shit, but vegans never talk to me about their diet.

    Or maybe the reason is that you are not surrounded by idiots.  😛There are exactly 2 cases where  a discussion about someone's diet makes sense : When a person is dangerously obese or anorexic.

    Yeah, I was just trying to be humorous. Honestly, I'm surprised hearing about people who get in such confrontations.



    I don't know, maybe it's cause I look smug as shit, but vegans never talk to me about their diet.

    Or maybe the reason is that you are not surrounded by idiots.  😛There are exactly 2 cases where  a discussion about someone's diet makes sense : When a person is dangerously obese or anorexic.

    Yeah, I was just trying to be humorous. Honestly, I'm surprised hearing about people who get in such confrontations.

    Haha, nice comment about the 125 pound hipster 😀 Yeah, the only vegans I know do it for either religious reasons or because vegetables are cheaper to produce, and I'm not going to deny them either of those 🙂


    Brandon D Christ

    What I dislike about the meat industry is the quality of the meat is reduced because of all those questionable practices. I don't think this makes me one of those crazies who like torturing animals or something, but I also would have no issue snapping a chicken's neck with my bare hands to feed myself if I needed to.

    Yea modern society has separated the person from how their food is produced.  If you talk to anyone who raised livestock for a living they have a completely different attitude towards raising/slaughtering animals.  While not the most pleasant experience, they realize killing for food is a means to an end.  I don't think there would be as many "animal lovers" (by that I mean PETA types) if they grew up raising animals or hunted for their own food.

    But the people had much more respect for their animals.Most people today don't know where their meat comes from and they don't care. Funny video:

    I totally agree.  I was just saying that since no one has to kill the animals themselves for meat anymore, people have warped view on animals.  Most people nowadays view animals as pets, are obsessed with them, or are inhumane towards them.


    Brandon D Christ

    I know photosynthesis very well. most likely I have studied it with more depth than i wouldve liked. I still dont understand what you are saying .Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

    I think I misunderstood your argument.  Did you mean feed the cows the seeds or plant the seeds, grow corn, and feed the cow the corn?  If you did that latter the amount of dietary energy that would go to the cow would be much higher.So I am assuming you meant feed the cow the seeds directly?



    Actually what I meant was this: Energy wise (meaning calories) , It is much more efficient to eat grains or other plant derived produce directly, without the animal “filter”. A lot of energy goes to “waste” (from a human perspective) this way, because cows or chickens do a lot more with the energy they get from grains than accumulate mass or produce milk/eggs. Thus, given a set amount of grains; it would be better to consume them directly-and not feed the cow anything. This example can be extended in order to understand how consuming animal derived foods causes a larger environmental impact than being vegan- for example. The issue is much more complex I agree, and when you take into account health (and not just survival)- even more so. I say all this just because I believe that we should not use "environmental" arguments in discussions such as these because we (in eating meat etc.) cause more animal deaths ,period. Other arguments (more selfish ones) can be implemented though, and it boils down to ideology: is it okay to kill to survive? I think most will agree with "yes". To be healthy? To gain muscle mass? To feel better? different questions concerning different ideals. The argument that "we were not meant to eat meat" is retarded. The question "do we have to?" is most surely not.Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2


    Brandon D Christ

    I knew you were trying to say it's more efficient to feed yourself.  Never mind there was just a misunderstanding. 



    Very well kind sir. heated debates in text format end to have plenty misunderstandigs. Hope I did not offend in any way.Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2



    Never trust anyone that doesn't eat bacon.



    As long as they stay away from my Okinawan potatoes, we're cool. It is kinda funny though, I don't known any violent vegan hooligan types who love brawling, naked women, firearms, naked women shooting firearms, heavy metal and other kinds of super manly stuff that would make me afraid of taking half a dozen of them at the same time in a fistfight. I kid!

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How do you fight off vegans?

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