How do you fight off vegans?

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    I've raised and slaughtered animals before on my parents farm. I can't really say my view is different from someone who's far removed from meat production since I've only ever known that. Honestly I've never understood the moral high road people try to take with the vegan diet. Plants are still alive and eating them is killing them. I guess the concept of “pain” isn't there ,but the desire to survive is which I rank higher than just feeling pain. I'm a Jew, so I've always had a “don't bother me and I won't bother you” attitude towards food choice since all my food is kosher :p



    Check out 'The Vegetarian Myth' by Lierre Keith. An amazing and thought provoking book, should be a must read for all vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters alike. She was vegan for 20 years



    Check out 'The Vegetarian Myth' by Lierre Keith. An amazing and thought provoking book, should be a must read for all vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters alike. She was vegan for 20 years

    yeah I second this.



    Check out 'The Vegetarian Myth' by Lierre Keith. An amazing and thought provoking book, should be a must read for all vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters alike. She was vegan for 20 years

    I third this.



    It really is a good read, not just on the 'circle of life' thing, something has to die for something else to live etc, but also on the sustainability of cereal crops ( or lack of it). I genuinely believe that a desire to prevent and reduce suffering in animals is morally the right thing to do, but better animal husbandry, is the way to go, ban CAFO's etc. the vegan/ vegetarian ethic strives to protect those creatures that are 'like' us, they have a face, but ignores the millions of deaths that occur at the hands of the combine harvester, pesticides,fencing, habitat destruction, soil erosion and the other horrors of farming commodity crops and annuals.

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How do you fight off vegans?

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