How Do You Train?

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    I am on a Max-OT, 4-day split.Say what you want about HIT and training to failure, but I have enjoyed it and by far seen the best gains of my life.BasicallyMon - Back & Bi'sWed - Chest & TrisFri - LegsSat - ShouldersAll muscle groups trained to failure in the 4-6 rep range, with about 6 working sets per bodypart.Adam


    Richard Schmitt

    I'm currently doing the “Lee Labrada's 12 Week Lean Body Program” to transform my body. He has this 2 on, 1 off split that I'm following:-Back, Biceps, and Cardio-Chest, Shoulders, Triceps-Cardio (Active Rest Day)-LegsThen repeats itself, though cardio is after two days of lifting. I personally do HIIT, or interval training. Depending on the day and how I feel I usually do just 20-25 minutes of 30 seconds on, and 30 seconds off (active rest). Though I know Kiefer posted remarks about HIIT, and how it's best to do 30 seconds at 100% and with 2-4 minute rest period. I'd like to push myself, and get a sweat going, BUT I want to make sure that the regimine I'm doing is ok, or go to his plan. My repition ranges from 10-12 with two sets, but the third set is to failure. I always do 1 or 2 warm-up sets though. I feel this way benefits me, and proofs worthy, but any other opinions is appreciated.



    I would like to hear someone's experience using 5/3/1 with Carb Backloading.  I've been backloading for awhile and plan to start 5/3/1 for the new year.  I don't foresee anything but awesome success, but I'd like to hear some insight based on experience.



    I just started a 5×5 program and bringing back carbs in my life definitely made a difference.



    I would like to hear someone's experience using 5/3/1 with Carb Backloading.  I've been backloading for awhile and plan to start 5/3/1 for the new year.  I don't foresee anything but awesome success, but I'd like to hear some insight based on experience.

    In response to your question regarding 5/3/1 with Carb Backloading. I have been running 5/3/1 for a few months now. I believe I'm currently on my fourth cycle. I've seen some decent gains but they really took off after I started backloading. I was far surpassing my all my previous p.r.s consistently and significantly (last deadlift 5/3/1 day I was able to get 8 reps with my prescribed weight.) I can say without a doubt that the strength gains I've seen with just implementing backloading have been pretty unbelievable to say the least. I definitely recommend you give 5/3/1 and Carb Backloading a try, you won't be sorry. Good luck!



    My current split… really trying to focus on my back and legs right now.Mon - Chest (abs a.m.)Tues - Lats (Calves a.m.)Wed - HamstringsThurs - Arms (abs a.m.)Fri - Traps (Calves a.m.)Sat - QuadsI track 2 or so exercises per day and make sure I'm always pushing myself - Always aiming for more reps than the previous week, when I get to 10 reps I go up in weight.  Otherwise I pretty much go by how I'm feeling that day, sometimes I'll go heavy and sometimes I'll go for more "pump."



    @robhally,    Thanks for the response!  Hearing news like that really gets me excited!  Pairing these two excellent programs sounds like a win-win.


    Richard Schmitt

    Is this 5/3/1 workout for powerlifting? Gaining huge amounts of mass? Just curious, was following up on how everyone trains. I'm wanting to go the lean route personally. I think doing 10-12 reps for 3 sets works that, not quite sure though, but that's what I'm doing.



    5/3/1 is basically a powerlifting program.  It was created by Jim Wendler, and is one of the most popular out there.  Wendler is a really awesome character too, its worth reading his stuff just to hear what he's gonna say.  He's got his own site @:            jimwendler.comAnd he's written a ton @:        t-nation.comAnd also @:                    



    Yeah, Wendler has some really good stuff out there that is definitely worth reading even if you don't do his program. However, the program itself is very adaptable to your specific goals. is a really good site to check out if you need to calculate your lifts. The site has different options for which style of 5/3/1 you wanna try as well (ex: boring but big, triumvirate, bodybuilding, etc…)


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah I'll definitely take a look at it, though my goal is to only gain lean mass, kinda not wanting to gain too much weight, and it'd be mostly flab to hide the muscles. Don't want that. I figured out that 8-10 reps is ok?



    After you follow the prescribed sets and reps for the main lift , you are free to do the program any way you prefer. I typically train in the 8-10 rep range following the main lift. The main point is that you are putting your max effort into your first lift and follow it with any accessory work you want.


    I just started new routine given to me by a local IFBB pro, it's 4 sets of 12-15 reps which kills me because I'm normally more of a power builder type person.It's Back/bi chest/tri and shoulders/legs... and the 4th day I do no carbs no training. I don't follow a calendar because your body doesn't have some calendar built into it, that is just modern thinking.



    Yeah I'll definitely take a look at it, though my goal is to only gain lean mass, kinda not wanting to gain too much weight, and it'd be mostly flab to hide the muscles. Don't want that. I figured out that 8-10 reps is ok?

    Jim Wendler did write versions for mass gain, but it is primarily still a max strength focused program. They are called "The Bodybuilder Template" & "Boring But Big". 



    I'm currently doing Chad Waterbury's Huge in a Hurry.  It's been an interesting read and I feel i've made some pretty good gains with it.  Carb-backloading just brings everything together.  Its a 3x week total body workout focusing on 3 big compound movements plus an isolation per workout.  As long as I'm gaining, i'm happy.  Plus it keeps me interested and I feel like I get a good workout each time.

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