How much carb should I aim for the night before morning workout

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    All,I'm a newbie here, and I'm still assimilating and discovering knowledge tidbits through the forum.  One thing I don't have a good handle on is the amount of carb (net of fibers) I should ingest in the evening before my wo (I wo at 9am, Mon, Wed, and Fri).I'm a 40 yr old male, 5'10", 190Lb, ~18% BF, 1 year of weightlifting in the tank (I squat 100kg for 3x5, so I'm at the end of the novice stage, I suppose).


    It's all individual, you'll have to play with it and find what works for you.


    Richard Schmitt

    It's all individual, you'll have to play with it and find what works for you.

    +1If that doesn't work for you, try switching to the evening times if you can.



    Understood, but what should I start with?  150g, less, more,…?


    I'd start at 200 (roughly 1g per lbs)



    Thank you.



    I'd start at 200 (roughly 1g per lbs)

    Yes, 200 sounds like a great start. if it were me I'd up it by 100g at the start of every week and see at what point it goes south on me, then dial it back.RB


    Richard Schmitt

    I'd start at 200 (roughly 1g per lbs)

    Yes, 200 sounds like a great start. if it were me I'd up it by 100g at the start of every week and see at what point it goes south on me, then dial it back.RB

    I agree with upping the carbs every week especially based how intense someone's training can get or put into.

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How much carb should I aim for the night before morning workout

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