How much water do you drink a day?

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    I'm just curious… I drink about 6l daily (sometimes even more). And also, during back loads (carb nite) to prevent water retention, do I drink more or less water?



    Less and then what?  ???



    typo 🙂



    LOL…how much is about 2 Gallons?



    about 7,5 l



    I aim for 1/2 BW in ounces on off-days more on days I train, not counting coffee towards that goal. Some days I'll add some sea salt to my water other days I'll add an electrolyte tab.



    2.5-3Gal per day (not liters)…not including the pot to pot and a half of coffee I have every day.  I've also been as high as 4 gallons and change on big backload days.  I don't may occasionally add in an electrolyte tab or two if I'm drinking a lot of water in a short period of time, i.e. during training, but usually get enough minerals from my diet to balance it out.  And no, I don't have to pee more than “normal,” my body has just adapted to it. 



    Been slacking a bit on my intake which is sorta bad considering how much I sweat when boxing. Used to do about 6 l minimum, but now down to like 2-3 during the day, though while I am working out I tend to gulp ridiculous amounts of water so I could be underestimating the total amount. I just forget about it sometimes.To prevent retention I'd suggest having as much water as you can before your BL/CN and not too much during which makes digestion easier anyways. Then, next morning start pounding the water again.

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How much water do you drink a day?

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