How to not feel like garbage from a week long alcohol binge?

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    Brandon D Christ

    My friends and I are going on vacation next month and since we are all guys in our early twenties the primary activities of the trip will be binge drinking and bar hopping.  I used to be quite the drinker in college, but fast-foward 4 years and I pretty much gave up regular alcohol drinking in favor of the bodybuilding lifestyle.  Now I drink at most once a month.  I still have a decent alcohol tolerance, it takes about 8 drinks over the span of a few hours to get me drunk, but not hammered.  I don't plan on getting hammered, but I will probably get drunk every night.  The problem is that I get hangovers very easily and I get dehydrated quickly while I drink.I don't get how my friends, who eat like garbage and are deficient in probably every nutrient, are able to get hammered every night, get 4 hours of sleep, wake up and start drinking for 7 days straight.  It takes me an entire day to recover.  It never used to be like this.  I used to be able to handle a lot of boozing.  I really think that eating a low carb diet made my body very bad at clearing out the toxins from alcohol.I will probably drink at the most 10 drinks spread throughout any day.  I really don't care about the alcohol, but I want to be able to enjoy a vacation with my friends, who I don't get to see that often anymore.  I read the alcohol article on Bulletproof Executive and saw all the supps you can take, but it seems very impractical.  I wouldn't mind taking something before and after I drink, but in between drinks will probably be impractical.  Any advice? 



    Binge Drinking for 7 Days!? Awesome!!!Here is my opinion on the topic: me know what you think!



    here are some great links on what to eat/drink/supplement: personal experience:  Stick to hard liquors if you can. (I like Jameson on the rocks). Carbonated mixers will accelerate drunkenness. Milk thistle and vitamin c actually work (for me anyways). I don't know about all that other bulletproof shit. Just try one gram of vitamin c before, during or after to minimize if not prevent hangovers completely. Have fun!




    Scotch and waters: puts water in your system as well as hair o n your chest.



    Miller Lite.Lot and lots of miller lite.Also, don't forget your miller lite.



    Have you tried throwing a glass of water in between each drink?  Easier said than done, I know, but if you're going on a long drinking jag each day think of all the water you are usually drinking and now arent.  And on top you are further dehydrating yourself with the booze.  Personally, I can have a few pops and usually counter the dehydration by slamming 3/4 liter of water right before bed and if I feel a bit off in the AM I down a full liter and am usually good about an hour later.  I bet your friends are accustomed to being in a dehydrated state, and so are their bodies, so when they drink its normal for them so they dont feel it like you do.



    This is simple.First, only drink Rumpleminze and only from a shot glass. Singles, doubles, triples, however you like. Only straight Rumple.Order every Rumple shot with an ice water. Drink shot, then pound the water down.You'll have minty breath, get so drunk that you hit on inanimate objects, and not get hungover.This is service industry drinking 101.



    I am taking NAC with good results–before, after, and next day. I am going to add vitamin B & C. We will see. Sir has a good log and talks about drinking and it looks like he is getting good results.


    The real answer is alcohol is poison as far as the body is concerned so there is no way to not have some effect. As people said one of the main things that makes you feel bad is the dehydration, so stay as hydrated as you can while drinking and after.



    The real answer is alcohol is poison as far as the body is concerned so there is no way to not have some effect. As people said one of the main things that makes you feel bad is the dehydration, so stay as hydrated as you can while drinking and after.

    Bro! Let's not get to name calling, alcohol has feelings too...Plus, getting bitten by a rattlesnake doesn't make me rock out "Don't Stop Believing" on karaoke night!Drink Excessive Booze! Excessively!!PS: It is poison.



    The real answer is alcohol is poison as far as the body is concerned so there is no way to not have some effect. As people said one of the main things that makes you feel bad is the dehydration, so stay as hydrated as you can while drinking and after.

    Most people don't understand that drinking gallons of water does not necessarily make you hydrated. You need electrolytes with a moderate amount of fluids. Pounding water after a drinking night will just make you feel awful the next morning when you've flushed out a good deal of your Na, Ca, Mg, and K. Drinking to thirst is a better idea probably

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How to not feel like garbage from a week long alcohol binge?

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