How to transition from CNS to CBL?

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    Eric Shaw

    Lets say I reach my goal of 15%bf and my last CNS carbload/training day fall on a Friday, on my next work out would be the following Tuesday. How would I transition from CNS to CBL?Would i basically just keep it ULC until my post training backload on Tuesday, and then just do everything CBL from there on out? Or is there in other transitioning tweaks I need to implement?Thanks.



    You hit the nail right in the head, keep ULC till your first backload on Tue. As for tweaks depends on your goals. There is a there for less 10% you might want to check it out.


    Eric Shaw

    There is a there for less 10% you might want to check it out.

    thanks, I didn't quite get your last sentence. Can you please clarify?



    Sorry i meant there is a thread for strategy to get to less than 10% bf.


    Richard Schmitt

    You hit the nail right in the head, keep ULC till your first backload on Tue. As for tweaks depends on your goals. There is a there for less 10% you might want to check it out.




    Sorry i meant there is a thread for strategy to get to less than 10% bf.

    There are a few of them. Which one are you referring to?



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How to transition from CNS to CBL?

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