Hyperthermic Conditioning for Hypertrophy, Endurance, and Neurogenesis

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    Rob Haas

    Anyone try this? Seams like saunas have been around forever but never knew there was actual science behind the use of this therapy.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHOlM-wlNjM



    Seems like this could be applied to hot yoga.i definitely feel some intense reactions from my body after doing it. Although I kinda felt hot yoga was detrimental to hypertrophy and too much will get you looking flat since you lose all that water. Maybe I missed it, but not clear on if doing an actual intense activity in a sauna for quite a bit of time (90 minutes) would yield similar results. It sounded like she was just referring to sitting/no movement to simply get acclimated. Anyways, it was a cool video. Thanks for sharing

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Hyperthermic Conditioning for Hypertrophy, Endurance, and Neurogenesis

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