Hypoglycemia help!

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    Greg Davis

    Need advice! I have been LC before but decided to keep carbs below 50 for past two weeks. I went for a six mile medium intensity run in a fasted state, not on purpose. I did have coffee with coconut oil, butter earlier in the day. I didn’t eat until about an hour or so after my run. Before I ate, I got jittery, light headed, and felt horrible. I tested my blood sugar and it was 72. I kinda panicked and fortunately had raw honey in the house and took two teaspoons. Tested blood sugar and it had risen to 89. I felt better but this scared the crap out of me. I nearly passed out!
    Question, is this something that will always be an issue on LCHF diet? I run about 20 miles a week and don’t want to worry with low blood sugar issues.

    Thanks in advance!


    Tony Sangimino

    If you’re not used to doing something and try something new, things like this can happen. I’d recommend not trying to train in a fasted ULC state until you’re adapted to it. Even then fasted, longer distance training should only be employed as a additional stressor exercise to a program.


    Greg Davis

    Yep, thanks Tony. I’m guessing it was a lack of anything in my system. I played basketball today and didn’t have the same result as I fed during the day. That being said, I got ketone strips today and tested 40 or moderate ketosis. I guess it’s possible to be in ketosis and still not be used to burning fat for fuel. I don’t know. I was quite sluggish on the court today. I’m hoping this will not hinder my running even though it’s off season.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Greg Davis.

    John Bishop

    Hypoglycemia is an ailment where your sugar levels are anomalous low. Approaches to help diminish side effects are eating something that has around fifteen grams of carbohydrates. Illustrations are: Three glucose tablets, organic product juice, One tablespoon nectar or syrup, just have one of those. Help with Assignment writing sit tight for fifteen minutes before eating or drinking whatever else. Ideally it will help you. If not you should most likely simply sit tight for the specialists to beware of you. I wish you to show signs of improvement and good fortunes in life.

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Hypoglycemia help!

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