I cringe when I…..

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    When I hear trendy words and sh!t like n=1, and bolus, it drives me effin nuts.Bro still doesn't bother, never has. hmmAnyone else or am I just too alpha this morning? what words or phrases are irkin you?



    Maybe it's because I'm an old guy… but I had to google both of those words.I'm a nut for grammar.  I can't stand double negatives.  Especially, "Ain't No".  That gets me every time.  I try not to be a grammar Nazi.  But, it comes out of me when I hear double negatives.



    Yeah me too, a little bit of proper grammer says alot about a person.. These words I'm speaking of are being thrown around alot in the health/fitness world. Lotsa podcasts and articles and stuff, and its just a way to show some aspect of their knowledge or something. Its cool to to be articulate, but when you start regurgitating someone elses words as a whole industry it just drives me nuts. Gonna think of this sh!t for some squat rage on Sunday.



    “mirin” would be one.Also, basically any over-simplification, but I especially hate "calories in vs calories out" as most people generally don't understand how that truly works. "adrenal fatigue". That shit is extremely rare and definitely not caused by too much caffeine, that's just BS. People throw that term around like it's trendy, especially in the anti-stimulant hippie crowd. The "over-training" boogeyman. I'm not against the use of it, persay, but when I see it getting blamed for why someone cannot sack up. They then push their weakness onto others and fail to accept that everybody reacts differently to training."eating clean" Fuck that noise. There is only processed vs less processed, I don't want to hear about your irrational fear of dessert and sweets. I have a ton more, but my brain is getting foggy on keto, so I'll post them when they come to mind. No you are not too Alpha, you can never be too Alpha. Bro is fine but Brah or Breh is just unacceptable.


    Brandon D Christ

    The "over-training" boogeyman. I'm not against the use of it, persay, but when I see it getting blamed for why someone cannot sack up. They then push their weakness onto others and fail to accept that everybody reacts differently to training.

    I think overtraining is much more difficult than what most people think.  I have done a lot of routines that most people would call overtraining and I got the best gains of my life out of them.  As everything else, call me old-fashioned, but I actually write online like I am writing at work.  Go to forums on a website like bodybuilding.com and you will hear from some of the dumbest people on the planet.



    I think overtraining is much more difficult than what most people think.  I have done a lot of routines that most people would call overtraining and I got the best gains of my life out of them.  As everything else, call me old-fashioned, but I actually write online like I am writing at work.  Go to forums on a website like bodybuilding.com and you will hear from some of the dumbest people on the planet.

    I think more people should write like you do and when someone writes like that it makes me think they are either retarded or seeking approval from other beta males.

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I cringe when I…..

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