I just binged for a week….

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    Well, I just binged for a week and am starting prep phase again. I went from 184 to 197. And I skipped 4 workouts.I am OK with this. I was needing a break, plus I wanted to know what my new frame weighed full of food so I wouldn't count it as lean muscle. So basically I know what my empty weight is and my full weight is, and can use this to help gauge my muscle gain.I'll let you know my weight after 10 day prep!



    hey raisethebarbell, good luck on redoing the prep phase.It happened to me last week too (went totally off diet for a week) and am also redoing the prep phase, detox style. Will let you know how mine goes too!  🙂



    cool, good luck to you as well, should be some good jnfo we can provide the others….



    Just a quick update, I am at 187 lbs this morning. 4 days after ending my binge week, talk about bloat jeez!



    And this morning I was 183 just seven days into my 10 day reorientation. That is a 14 lb loss after eating horribly (or wonderfully depending on how you look at it!) for a week and is is my lowest in years. Feel real lean and ready to add some real good muscle, and it was a nice break. I had been CN and CN rogue for about 3 and a half months. Once my 10 days is up I'll start CBL SA for the first time and will buy the book at that point. If anyone was curious what would happen if you completely blew it for a whole week, it seems to me to be very recoverable. Very powerful tools we have at our disposal, in deed. Thanks all!!!


    I hate bloat from carbs, makes me puffy-like and destroys my facial aesthetics…

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I just binged for a week….

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