I know it’s a slow process, but how long til you can see differences?

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    Guys trolling now, just ignore him.It was not CBL, you're just structuring carb intake PWO and in a different state. Keep doing what you're doing, that's fine, you're not contributing any way. I'm sure if you were to backload like normal you would NOT get the same results.

    Eh I think Rudee means well, his goals though aren't consistent with what most people want though.  He doesn't care about losing strength or losing muscle.  He just wanted to lose body fat, which is fine, but if he were to actually do CBL as recommended, he could have lost body fat AND gotten stronger and gained muscle.

    I don't care about losing muscle?  Where did I say that?  I said I didn't care if my bench press numbers were down if It meant I had a leaner body with less bodyfat.  I certainly haven't lost any muscle with CBL.  I've lost boatloads of bodyfat though. 



    Rudee is my savior!!! 😀 lolI guess I'm gonna have to take the plunge and try CBL then instead of CNS.I've cut my fat intake below 50gr and got protein where it should be and still now seeing anything...I know it's been only 3 days since my carb nite but still... 😮

    Sebcour.  Take my advice, from someone who has been strength training for over 20 years.  Don't get pigeonholed into thinking there is only one way to skin a cat so to speak.  Experiment with things.  No program works for everybody. We're all different.  Try CBL using clean sources of calories if the conventional CBL is not giving you the results you were seeking.  Like I said before, a modified clean CBL worked far better than the one I followed to at T in the book.  Night and day results. 



    Rudee is my savior!!! 😀 lolI guess I'm gonna have to take the plunge and try CBL then instead of CNS.I've cut my fat intake below 50gr and got protein where it should be and still now seeing anything...I know it's been only 3 days since my carb nite but still... 😮

    Sebcour.  Take my advice, from someone who has been strength training for over 20 years.  Don't get pigeonholed into thinking there is only one way to skin a cat so to speak.  Experiment with things.  No program works for everybody. We're all different.  Try CBL using clean sources of calories if the conventional CBL is not giving you the results you were seeking.  Like I said before, a modified clean CBL worked far better than the one I followed to at T in the book.  Night and day results.

    What exactly do you class as 'clean' calories?



    Rudee, what would you say to the person who did use the p90x, lost fat and lost his strength, then completed the exercise. But something in his life happened, switched jobs, time is now too consumed, can't go to the gym much now. Now he's eating way more because his appetite increased.What was just explained is exactly the scenario that was mentioned in carb nite book (happened by poor diet..) but this can also happen from drastic changes in exercise routine. You were 40% body fat, had 30% muscle. You got down to 20% body fat and go down to 20% muscle. You gain that body fat again, you'll be at 40% body fat, 20% muscle. NOT GOOD. Plus the mental strain a person has to deal with putting that much work into losing that fat to begin with and having to go through another 3 months of the workout with it being much harder than it was before. It's a common scenario.We're talking about flexible long term solutions here that can be applicable to everybody, not a quick fix for a specific person. You can get stronger even if your gym time is cut in half, you just make it more intense with the strength training. And again, HIIT works just as good for the advantages that p90x/insanity claims to offer.I'd rather be a softy who can bench 420 than a skinny muscle ball who can only bench 250. Why? Because that softee has more of a capacity to burn that fat faster if he needed to, especially on a good diet. And he'd look hell of a lot leaner than the 250 bench presser when he loses that body fat. It's really not easy getting that big and high in the number. I do applaud you for your bench numbers though, keep up the good work with that.I just wouldn't go around recommending p90x to anybody. Just recommend it to the cardio junkies who thinks marathons aren't enough or folks who has all the time in the world getting in shape; those guys are the hardest to talk to. It's hard on the joints, tough on the shoulders, exercises are a bit too difficult, and people can end up getting frustrated over it and quitting. It's just much better to put those 3 months into building muscle and losing weight than getting toned up.


    Richard Schmitt

    Wasn't it you who told me to get my fat intake down to 80gr at most?Because the first week I was at like 150-180gr a day.

    I'm pretty sure to range your fat intake between .5-.75g/Target BW as I've mentioned to many members. With getting at least .8-1.3g/Target BW for protein as well.


    Brandon D Christ

    @Rudee if your lifts took a dive after you lost weight, I would question if you maintained all your muscle, especially if your method of losing fat is associated with losing muscle.  I highly doubt you were using fat as a leverage advantage in your lifts, so losing the fat I'm sure didn't make your lifts go down.I respect your opinion, but my problem is that you are essentially telling Sebecour not to do CBL or CNS, but to do an old fashioned bodybuilding diet where you eat carbs at night.  While your clean backload suggestion is a valid suggestion (it's been recommended on here before and a lot of people do that) it's a bit irrelevant because Sebecour didn't even do CBL yet (he was doing CNS).As far as Insanity, P90X, ect. we were giving Sebecour the standard recommendation that Kiefer (who has been lifting as long as you, is a professional in the field, and is the author of the book) has based on endless amounts of research and tested on a lot of clients.  While this doesn't work for everyone it works for most people, so it's a good place to start.I am all for experimentation (I don't adhere to the book 100%), but what you did is no longer CBL.



    @Rudee if your lifts took a dive after you lost weight, I would question if you maintained all your muscle, especially if your method of losing fat is associated with losing muscle.  I highly doubt you were using fat as a leverage advantage in your lifts, so losing the fat I'm sure didn't make your lifts go down.I respect your opinion, but my problem is that you are essentially telling Sebecour not to do CBL or CNS, but to do an old fashioned bodybuilding diet where you eat carbs at night.  While your clean backload suggestion is a valid suggestion (it's been recommended on here before and a lot of people do that) it's a bit irrelevant because Sebecour didn't even do CBL yet (he was doing CNS).As far as Insanity, P90X, ect. we were giving Sebecour the standard recommendation that Kiefer (who has been lifting as long as you, is a professional in the field, and is the author of the book) has based on endless amounts of research and tested on a lot of clients.  While this doesn't work for everyone it works for most people, so it's a good place to start.I am all for experimentation (I don't adhere to the book 100%), but what you did is no longer CBL.

    Just to clarify guys, I don't lift weight and don't want to, just because of my job.I'm a golf pro, and already have enough muscle mass in my opinion.So my ultimate goal is to lose the fat I still have and keep my muscle mass as it is.And that's why I do insanity and now Asylum, because for ME, it's the best program to achieve my goal.Be fit and stay fit. Another reason why I couldn't care less about how much I bench, I haven't lifted any weight for 6 years now.All and all, what ever your opinion or point of view might be, I really appreciate all you guys input 😉


    Brandon D Christ

    @SebecourAll I can recommend for you Carb Nite because that works for everyone regardless of their training.  CBL, as written, only works with traditional strength training.  If you want to do Insanity or Asylum, do Carb Nite or do the Rudee Method (which isn't CBL).  To be honest I'd go with Rudee, because it seems like he had success with it and you would probably be miserable on these programs if you did Carb Nite because as Rudee pointed out, they deplete glycogen pretty well.Bottom Line:  I strongly recommend you don't do Carb Backloading if you want to do Insanity. 



    Good deal!! Thank you So far, I handle carb nite very good.Even though I keep my carbs under 15gr, I can still do my workout with as much energy as I had before.


    Brandon D Christ

    Good deal!! Thank you So far, I handle carb nite very good.Even though I keep my carbs under 15gr, I can still do my workout with as much energy as I had before.

    I'm curious though, do you really want to do Insanity?  Or do you just think it would be a good method to lose bodyfat?  On Carb Nite you don't even have to exercise.  It is a very good diet for fat loss so if all you want to do is lose fat you should just do Carb Nite and do an Insanity workout the two days following the Carb Nite to get rid of the glycogen.  What do you think of that?



    Well, I've been doing it for a bit over a year now.I just feel so blah when I don't do it...but now our golf season is about to start I won't have as much time to do it anyways.So yes, I might just be able to do it only twice a day, and probably following the carb nite.But you know, in the ASYLUM, there are a few workouts focused on strength building more than cardio.


    Brandon D Christ

    Well, I've been doing it for a bit over a year now.I just feel so blah when I don't do it...but now our golf season is about to start I won't have as much time to do it anyways.So yes, I might just be able to do it only twice a day, and probably following the carb nite.But you know, in the ASYLUM, there are a few workouts focused on strength building more than cardio.

    Could you describe those workouts?



    There is back to core, where it's all about isolation and resistance and also the strength one, mainly use of resistance bands.Vertical Plyo might be a bit of both, cause you do a lot of jumps and legs exercises but still at a fast pace...It's kinda hard to really explain in detail, hope this give you an idea


    Brandon D Christ

    There is back to core, where it's all about isolation and resistance and also the strength one, mainly use of resistance bands.Vertical Plyo might be a bit of both, cause you do a lot of jumps and legs exercises but still at a fast pace...It's kinda hard to really explain in detail, hope this give you an idea

    Is there any use of heavy weights (ones where you would reach failure after 12 reps)?  Resistance bands aren't going to cut it for CBL.


    I have done both programs, and while I totally believe you can cycle macros in a CBL fashion and make it work, it is not, nor will it ever be as effective as traditional strength training of some sort.You can cycle macros as described in CBL and make it work without even training, but it's not nearly as effective.You say you feel you have enough muscle mass so you don't want to train with weights, but who says you have to focus on hypertrophy?Do some strength and explosive work keeping the reps low, build more power for your golf game.

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I know it’s a slow process, but how long til you can see differences?

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