I know it’s a slow process, but how long til you can see differences?

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    Brandon D Christ

    I have done both programs, and while I totally believe you can cycle macros in a CBL fashion and make it work, it is not, nor will it ever be as effective as traditional strength training of some sort.You can cycle macros as described in CBL and make it work without even training, but it's not nearly as effective.You say you feel you have enough muscle mass so you don't want to train with weights, but who says you have to focus on hypertrophy?Do some strength and explosive work keeping the reps low, build more power for your golf game.

    Yea I don't get this either.  I would think strength and power would be really beneficial for a golfer.  Plus at the peak of his career, wasn't Tiger Woods a pretty muscular guy?



    i don't follow golf much, but i follow my fellow irishman Rory McIlroy and of course Tiger.. they both lift, and i've heard tiger talk about how important it is



    Believe it or not, I actually gained strength and power with it.And got the proof this past saturday. 2 years ago I was swinging my driver at 112mph consistently and went on th elaunch monitor to get fitted and this time I was at 122mph on every swing.I know you guys don't know much about golf, but I can guarantee you, it's a huuuuuuuuuge increase.



    Well I believe that you can get good numbers, but that really depends on your conditioning. Again, insanity or p90x doesn't really give you the fastest way to lose body fat, nor does it provide lean mass. The real problem lies within the lactic acid and the break down of it.Basically your cells have the receptors needed to accept lactate through the lactic acid pathways way more readily than arteria pathways. You'd be able to use anaerobic activities to burn fat faster than the aerobic counter part.I'm going to break the reasoning down into two significant parts, and will explain a better option at the end and the reasoning for it as well.1. Amount of lactate in trained vs untrained athletes2. Amount of lactate that gets generated in time3. Solutions1. Amount of lactate in trained vs untrained athletesIf you are obese or unfit or an untrained athlete, Insanity is not for you. The amount of lactic acid that gets built up happens very abundantly in athletes like Tony Horton or Shaun T and friends. They have the ability to break that lactic acid effectively over time. Lactic acid is basically a by product of the stored glucose in your muscles or from fatty acids, which then gets turned to energy in the form of lactate and hydrogen ions. Your body absolutely LOVES lactate, however, hydrogen ions is what causes the pain, cramps, and the ability to impair performance and muscle contraction. If you are a trained athlete, you will have the ability to produce a larger quantity of lactate while having the ability of clearing out the accumulation of hydrogen ions (Lactic Acidosis).Bottom line, no matter how intense the untrained athlete is, that person will NOT generate nearly the amount of lactate the athletes like Shaun T is generating. They will have to literally stop for a few minutes to recuperate.2. Amount of lactate that gets generated in timeThe next point I want to make is the fact that there is too much unnecessary work. The amount of time to get the full benefit of lactate is roughly 5 mins; which is why HIIT works and why Insanity works. After that, it becomes aerobic, a slower fat burning state. Blood lactate concentrations peak for 5 mins of intense exercise. The time is due to the transport of the acid from the tissue to the blood. Consistent interval training is known to push the levels of lactate accumulation with the delay of acidosis (hydrogen ions in the blood). So as you are pushing yourself past the 5 min mark, you really don't need to continue further. You could stop and let your body  use up the pool of lactate. This is why Insanity works extremely well for advanced trainees who have stopped losing body fat and is in a low digit body fat % range; but only gives proportional results for anyone else willing to lose fat - those people are also more likely to lose muscle as well. Rudee is an exception, just like Tony Horton, Shaun T and friends, etc. But their advice shouldn't be given out so easily. In my own personal experience and people I know who tried insanity and stopped, we've all gained fat as fast as they lost it with the compromise of muscle loss.3. SolutionsA way to take advantage over the lactic energy system in your body is to perform HIIT. It's built around the 5 min lactic interval. For strength training, if you do NOT want to built mass and want to burn fat. The absolute best option is to introduce tempo into your workout. Tempo was popularlized by Charles Poliquin, who trained athletes all over the world in competitive sports and body building competitions, he built programs that rotate around the lactic acid pathway principles. Basically you introduce slow negatives. Meaning, you lower the weigts just a bit (20-30%) then change the timing, so when you do an explosive lift in under a second, you lower the weights in a slow and steady 3 second time. This increases the rush of lactate, and during your rest your body will be able to deliver that lactate to your cells effectively. Progressively helping your threshold quickly and faster. A link about tempo is described here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/likness15.htmLinks - I gave this a real good read in order to prepare my remarks about insanity or p90x:http://www.sport-fitness-advisor.com/lactic-acid.htmlhttp://www.brianmac.co.uk/energy.htm



    Wow!! That was some research you did there.I honestly think I can put myself in the first category. I can pretty much do all the insanity workouts without taking longer breaks than what they do, I might have to rest 2-3 times for 10 seconds more throughout some workouts but that's about it.



    Alright, do what you feel is right. If you feel like you're hitting a wall though, or if the after effects after the insanity workout comes into play, where you might fluctuate in weight between 10-15 pounds in a two week span because of what you eat, try the tempo workout I mentioned and give that a go. Charles Poliquin isn't someone you can say, “yeh, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, he's just another fad” he's really got years of experience and tons of proof under his belt.



    Supposedly tiger woods benches over 300lbs.



    I just wanted to give you guys an update from my insanity workout coupled with CNS.And I have to say that I'm really glad I stuck to it.Lost 11 pounds so far, and I'm now down to 10% of BF from 12-13.So, it does works...well, for me at least. 😀


    Brandon D Christ

    I just wanted to give you guys an update from my insanity workout coupled with CNS.And I have to say that I'm really glad I stuck to it.Lost 11 pounds so far, and I'm now down to 10% of BF from 12-13.So, it does works...well, for me at least. 😀

    Good work.  Insanity can certainly work with CNS.  CBL is where you might run into trouble.



    Thanks!!Yes, with CBL, I'd really need to hit the weights. 8)



    adding muscle would only help your golf game.  loss of flexibility is what can hurt but to lose flexibility from mass would mean getting up to Tiger's size when he was biggest (about 3 years ago)his game suffered because he was spending too much chasing trim


    Ry Diggs

    Why in God's name are you not lifting?



    LOLBecause as of now, I absolutely have no desire to get any bigger.I'm already pretty fit. Plus, it saves me money on not going to a gym ;D

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I know it’s a slow process, but how long til you can see differences?

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