I need a program.

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  • #228541

    Adam Hays

    ibob, 1. how did you get all jacked up?2. what has been the most beneficial aspect(s) of your success with building muscle?


    Brandon D Christ

    ibob, 1. how did you get all jacked up?2. what has been the most beneficial aspect(s) of your success with building muscle?

    1.  7 years of dedicated training and dieting.  I could write a book on this, that's really what it comes down to.2.  Sticking to the basic exercises and knowing when to push hard and when not to.  I could write a book on this as well.


    Richard Schmitt

    ibob, 1. how did you get all jacked up?2. what has been the most beneficial aspect(s) of your success with building muscle?

    1.  7 years of dedicated training and dieting.  I could write a book on this, that's really what it comes down to.2.  Sticking to the basic exercises and knowing when to push hard and when not to.  I could write a book on this as well.

    I'd read it


    Adam Hays

    I WOULD TOO.  What are the basic lifts you have always done that have gotten you the greatest muscle building results?


    Brandon D Christ

    I WOULD TOO.  What are the basic lifts you have always done that have gotten you the greatest muscle building results?

    Squat, Chins, dips, bench, military press, deadlifts, and good mornings.  Nothing fancy.


    Adam Hays

    I am 27 years old, 5’8 and 170 lbs at 12% BF.  I was severely overweight up until the age of 23 when I dropped all the weight. I have been lifting for about 5 years.  I don’t push around very heavy loads, but I train hard in an effort to build muscle.  What would you set up/ suggest for a guy like me in order to make the best/ quickest muscle gains possible? Lifting protocols, splits? Full body? Volume/ frequency? Diet?, etc…  Any guidance would be greatly beneficial.


    Robert x Oleary

    ibob, 1. how did you get all jacked up?2. what has been the most beneficial aspect(s) of your success with building muscle?

    1.  7 years of dedicated training and dieting.  I could write a book on this, that's really what it comes down to.2.  Sticking to the basic exercises and knowing when to push hard and when not to.  I could write a book on this as well.

    I'd read it



    Adam Hays

    I am 27 years old, 5’8 and 170 lbs at 12% BF.  I was severely overweight up until the age of 23 when I dropped all the weight. I have been lifting for about 5 years.  I don’t push around very heavy loads, but I train hard in an effort to build muscle.  What would you set up/ suggest for a guy like me in order to make the best/ quickest muscle gains possible? Lifting protocols, splits? Full body? Volume/ frequency? Diet?, etc…  Any guidance would be greatly beneficial.


    Richard Schmitt

    I am 27 years old, 5’8 and 170 lbs at 12% BF.  I was severely overweight up until the age of 23 when I dropped all the weight. I have been lifting for about 5 years.  I don’t push around very heavy loads, but I train hard in an effort to build muscle.  What would you set up/ suggest for a guy like me in order to make the best/ quickest muscle gains possible? Lifting protocols, splits? Full body? Volume/ frequency? Diet?, etc…  Any guidance would be greatly beneficial.

    Have you considered Strong Lifts or Ice Cream Fitness 5x5? Advance German Volume Training could be another option to look at. Given you want to follow CBL during it. May I ask what your training experience is like? MI40X did a really great job in adding muscle for me 


    Adam Hays

    I have done mostly full body workouts in the past. Nothing ever was strength based, so I never really developed to lifting heavy.  Lots of main lifts in the 8-12 rep range.  I have done a lot of Upper/ Lower splits, 1 or 2 push and pull splits, usually always with a dedicated lower body day.  But the majority of my time training has been full body.  I have always pretty much kept with a volume load that was too high


    Adam Hays

    I have also completed the Engineering the Alpha Program


    Brandon D Christ

    Pretty much all programs work about the same.  That being said, Tex listed some good programs.  I particularly fond of German Volume Training. 


    Robert x Oleary

    I just wrapped up the mi40x2 program and had decent results. Kiefer had mentioned he doesn't like CBL for it though, but is a huge fan of the research supporting the inter-set stretching under tension of the program. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Adam Hays

    why doesn't he like mi 40x paired with cbl?


    Robert x Oleary

    why doesn't he like mi 40x paired with cbl?

    MI40x2 wasn't recommended by Kiefer, MI40 Keifer thought it would pair well. It had to do with all the eccentric motion and the interset stretching-under-tension, but I don't remember speficially what it was in his podcast with BPAK about it.

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I need a program.

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