Idols and inspirations.

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  • #81128

    If youve been doing high volume for ages going to a HIT/Heavy Duty or a low volume/higher intensity type program is almost guaranteed to bring some quick gains. I put half an inch on my arms by doing 2 weeks of 3x a week full body HIT. Should really try this again actually now that I think of it! Serves as a good deload as well.

    +1Any change in your routine will elicit a shock.  Cycling Volume and HIT is pretty common.  That said, I've run Mentzer's "Heavy Duty" before with shit to show for it, but similar to you, I once did a month of Yates' "Blood & Guts", and put on approx. 7.5 lbs. of lean muscle... yes, in ONE month, no gear!  This was after a LONG spell on Volume.However, I can run Volume, successfully, way longer than I can run HIT, successfully.  I always stall on HIT first.  All of our muscle make-ups are different.Cory


    Damon Amato

    I'll play the character game...Scorpion from Mortal Kombat.  He is jacked to all hell, and simply bad ass.  'Nuff said.  8)Cory

    OMG agree.


    I'll play the character game...Scorpion from Mortal Kombat.  He is jacked to all hell, and simply bad ass.  'Nuff said.  8)Cory

    OMG agree.

    Scorpion is the total shit... the ultimate bad ass!  Fuck Sub-Zero.Cory


    David Margittai

    Heavy Duty is just TOO low volume, you might want to look into "Blood & Guts", which is Dorian Yates' routine... or perhaps "Demon Training" by Trevor Smith (you MUST use a training partner for this routine, it is a unrelenting bastard).  Both styles are HIT, but have slightly more volume due to their structuring.I warn you again, "Demon Training" will absolutely rape your muscles, and you will feel violated... you cannot run that shit for more than 4 weeks.  Steroids or not.  That is if you can get to the 4 week mark.  It looks doable on paper, but in practice you will wish it were over.Cory

    Thanks for the input, man. I'm familiar with Yates' "Blood and Guts", and I just looked into "Demon Training" since I'm not familiar with Smith -- looks crazy intense. I've pretty much always been a super high volume type of guy, but maybe after running what I'm running with now for another 5-6 weeks, I'll give one of these HIT-style routines a go for a month. Just to see if it could kickstart my body into growing a bit...haha.I'll just need to find a decent (and reliable) gym partner...that could be the toughest part of all.


    Thanks for the input, man. I'm familiar with Yates' "Blood and Guts", and I just looked into "Demon Training" since I'm not familiar with Smith -- looks crazy intense. I've pretty much always been a super high volume type of guy, but maybe after running what I'm running with now for another 5-6 weeks, I'll give one of these HIT-style routines a go for a month. Just to see if it could kickstart my body into growing a bit...haha.I'll just need to find a decent (and reliable) gym partner...that could be the toughest part of all.

    STRONGLY advised for "Demon Training", b/c pushing beyond failure up to three times on a single set of Squats, after pre-exhausting beyond failure on the Leg Press is pretty psychotic.  You need more than a good training partner, you need the best... someone you can trust.  The last thing you want is to be stuck under a heavy Squat, while your 'partner' is staring down the ass of the token gym hottie (I've seen this happen to a guy on the Bench).I ran B&G solo, so it can be done.  For force rep work go uni-lateral, and spot with your other limb.  Otherwise, drop-sets and rest-pause are both perfectly doable solo.Cory

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