I’m just going to leave this little gem here..

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    PreWorkout Rabies

    And see what you guys think of this.. “science”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTRIWxIq6fE



    Sorry…couldn't get past the douchebag in glasses and a hoodie. I bailed after about 18 seconds.



    Sorry...couldn't get past the douchebag in glasses and a hoodie. I bailed after about 18 seconds.

    He's actually playing parody of other, similar, youtube videos. He generally sports the collared shirt and normal glasses.He certainly reads a great deal on nutrition and keeps up with the studies. The quality of the studies, be they peer reviewed or privately funded/privately reported, is unknown to me.



    Lipogenisis (creation of body fat) in the absence of insulin. This is interesting. "Interestingly, in the absence of cortisol, insulin only had a modest effect to increase lipogenesis."http://m.edrv.endojournals.org/cgi/content/meeting_abstract/32/03_MeetingAbstracts/P2-537^^ This is also interesting...*Skips off to find out more about lipogenisis in the absence of insulin*



    http://m.jlr.org/content/30/11/1727That is so interesting, thank you. Looks like ASP is to fat what insulin is to carbs + protein. I have never heard of it before, but if this is the case I think it could have a significant impact on CNS & CBL...


    PreWorkout Rabies

    Well fuck.. That study you linked above kind of blew my mind a bit.. I'm not sure what to think of it. It said ASP creates triglycerides? Through a synthesis of triglycerides that only occurres after fat ingestion?



    Yeah, I've seen another study/report saying ASP is better at creating triglycerides than insulin. Also seems to shut off HSL...This is really messed up though because I've heard both Kiefer and Dave Asprey say that saturated fat stimulates HSL.ASP also stimulates GLUT. Very confusing...Basically, whatever you do, don't eat fatty sugary stuff in the morning while stressed. So at least we know that for sure...



    Whoa,Consumption of fat and fructose, which do not initiate insulin secretion, results in lower circulating leptin levels, a consequence which may lead to overeating and weight gain in individuals or populations consuming diets high in energy derived from these macronutrients. Acylation‐stimulating protein acts as a paracrine signal to increase the efficiency of triacylglycerol synthesis in adipocytes, an action that results in more rapid postprandial lipid clearance. Genetic knockout of acylation‐stimulating protein leads to reduced body fat, obesity resistance and improved insulin sensitivity in mice.http://mobile.journals.lww.com/co-lipidology/_layouts/oaks.journals.mobile/abstractviewer.aspx?year=2002&issue=02000&article=00008



    Seriously making me think twice about putting butter in my coffee. It's interesting they don't specify any particular type of fat.



    ASP also apparently boosts insulin in the presence of glucose (acting like cortisol does).http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/12917708/


    PreWorkout Rabies

    This is some interesting information.. I wonder why Kiefer has never addressed these issues or if they are simply new information



    Wouldn't you have to be consuming fructose though with the fat? So why would you second guess your coffee?



    Without getting all sciencey, anyone viewing this who is already adopting a ketogenic diet shouldn't even worry about this. Of course there are storage hormones/enzymes for fat based diets. Here is an excerpt from L. Mcdonalds Ketogenic Diet Book:"This has led some authors to suggest an absolute minimization of dietary fat for weight loss (15,16). The premise is that, since incoming carbohydrate will block fat burning by the body, less fat must be eaten to avoid storage. The ketogenic diet approaches this problem from the opposite direction. By reducing carbohydrate intake to minimum levels, fat utilization by the body is maximized. SummaryFrom the above discussion, we can represent the body’s overall use of fuel as:Total energy requirements = glucose + FFATherefore if energy requirements stay the same, a decrease in the use of glucose will increase the use of FFA for fuel. By corollary, an increase in the body’s ability to use FFA for fuel will decrease the need for glucose by the body. This relationship between glucose and FFA was termed the glucose-FFA Cycle by Randle almost 30 years ago (17,18)"Also, hate to burst anyones bubble, but over-eating even with the ketogenic diet will result in some form of AT gain or stall. TLDR: Don't sweat it if you're on a ketogenic diet and are eating enough for your goals, whatever they may be.



    Does this actually address ASP? What about HSL being suppressed?



    You know, I would just look into Lyle Mcdonalds articles and books if you are really concerned or recall what I typed out earlier. Other than that, I wouldn't worry about the storing and oxidation of nutrients, hormones etc. Eat, train, and sleep for whatever goals you have. Looking too much into these things is basically mental masturbation and if anything, will make one stress out. Hope that helps.  🙂

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I’m just going to leave this little gem here..

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