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November 29, 2011 at 10:33 am #90
Jeremy WadeParticipantJeremy, or J, I have been in the US Air Force for 19 years so far and in the past 3 years have been consuming as much knowledge about nutrition and fitness as I can get my hands on. Unfortunately, there exists a significant amount of excrement out there being passed off as nutrition/fitness gospel and I spent the entire first year buying into said excrement, which netted me nothing but an extra 10 pounds of fat.So, 3 years ago I decided to take care of myself, but had no idea how to. At that time I was 235 lbs and had a 48 inch waist at 5'10 in height. A year after trying every fad piece of garbage out there I was 245 lbs and my waist had increased to 50 inches. I kept thirsting for knowledge and eventually bought into the calorie deficit way of thinking, which provided me with significant weight loss, but unfortunately, took as much muscle as fat. A year ago I stagnated at 185 pounds and around 26% body fat regardless of how aggressively I did cardio or crossfit or how low my daily calories went. Then I saw Kiefer's article in M&F and knew that I had to learn more. I started lifting and applying as much as I could find on carb backloading, but I never felt that I got the diet right, and did not succeed in gaining any body composition changes. 7 months ago I injured myself lifting, yeah, miscalculated a weight and ended up trying to do machine fly's with twice as much weight as I should have and tore a tendon off the bone in my left elbow.Since I couldn't hold any weight anymore I gave up on lifting and just worked to maintain my current state.(didn't work, I lost muscle and gained fat) I have yet to fully recover, but I can now lightweight lifts so I am using them to slowly strengthen my body back up and hopefully be prepared to lift aggressively soon. In the mean time, I have started following CarbNite Solution religiously. I have read my PDF of the book at least 10 times trying to make sure I get everything right, but I still feel like I am missing some of the finer points that I could be using to maximize my benefit. I am happy to be down to 170 pounds now after 2 months of using CarbNite and the 16.5% body fat on my BodPod measurement today was a welcome surprise. My goal is to stay under 12% body fat int he future and to gain muscle. I am guessing I will be happy around 185-190lbs as long as I am under 12% body fat. I wouldn't mind going lower than 12%, but I can't remember a time in my life that I was that slender, so I am not wanting to get unrealistic.OK, enough spewing nonsense for me tonight! Just glad to be learning from Kiefer.
December 21, 2011 at 8:27 pm #12640
MarkDeeGuestWow.I'm guessing there's an age difference (I'm coming up on 55 soon)but you're right: a lot of similarity for us.I don't think I've ever had that big a waist (probably topped out at 44-45) but I'm 'big boned'and carry a lot of weight in my shoulders. I've also got pretty solid legs.That said, I like the objectiveness of the Bod Pod and just had my most recent measurement a week ago.I've learned a TON about nutrition in the last year, am eating better than ever, but find that unless I really 'shake it up,' my new-found habits in-and-of-themselves don't deliver the weight loss I'm after in the time I'm willing to think about it.At my age, I just like to live and enjoy myself.IF I'm going to say something like "let's lose some weight," I just want to do what it takes and get it over with. When I first got involved in an effort to Lean Out, I had no idea of the exercise that would be involved. I was out-of-shape and managed to injure myself a few times in the first 12 months that I really attacked the gym. This was really a NEW development (being in a gym) for me, since I was the chubby kid in high school who couldn't make the team and ended up getting involved in 'speech and debate.'So here we are. Coming back and wanting to develop some solid weight lifting skills.Feeling good about our progress but knowing we need to step it up to get where we want to be.Now that your post has made me aware of an e-book option, I'll download CarbNite this evening and take a look there. I HAVE been seriously trying to figure out the carb puzzle since reading The 4-Hour Body earlier this year. Kiefer seems to be on to SOMETHING here, so I'm happy to join in and see what we ALL can do with this.I too, cannot remember a time when I felt SLIM. But I'm awfully curious about How THAT Might Feel!Here's to Lean AND Strong."cheers" and congrats on your own progress-to-date...
December 22, 2011 at 12:46 am #12641
Jeremy WadeParticipantI'm 37 mark, so a starting to take control a little earlier than you, but looking very similair in where we are coming from and where we are going.
December 22, 2011 at 3:19 am #12642
Naomi MostMemberCool! Glad to finally know a little more about you Jeremy.I considered Air Force when I was 19 or so, but then that dot-com thing happened and it was SO lucrative...
December 22, 2011 at 6:46 am #12643
Richard SchmittModeratorReally great work sir, I want to say thank you first of all for serving, it's really appreciated sir. I'm really glad you didn't fully give up on yourself, and continued fighting on. Great work on the results you have accomplised so far, and I have no doubt you'll reach your goals real soon and keep them there. It's really inspiring.
January 10, 2012 at 10:05 am #12644
AllenxldMemberGood Job! Glad to see a fellow Airmen kickin' butt! Love your progress pics! I did my 4 years in the early '80's: Lackland, Lowry, Minot, Torrejon-Spain then home to Texas. Keep e'm flying high!
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