Importance of Resistance

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    I was reading something by Charles Poliquin once that said something along the lines of super-effective HIIT sprinting on cycles MUST have a heavy resistance component. Forgive my foggy memory, but I think his point may have been to decrease muscle loss if not promote muscle gain from the activity.Well, I just tried the Kiefer-style 30s:4min bike sprints the other day. I've done some pretty crazy things on the recumbent bikes in the past, but I decided to start off at a level I knew I'd crush. I warmed up (this is the same as rest) between 1-3 resistance (of 20) at 70-85rpm and sprinted at resistance 10 at 120-135rpm. My heart rate shot up to 170 really quickly, of course. My question is, how should the resistance FEEL? Should every pedal be like a leg press? Should it be like a bike in the mud? A heavy wheel? Should you have to FIGHT the spin or should it just be a "heavy" but free spin?Also, what are Kiefer's (or anyone's I suppose) thoughts on recumbent vs stationary cycles?



    I have done the HIIT style Kiefer recomends on a flat treadmill no resistance/incline and I felt like someone kicked my ass when I was done. I think the key is too feel exhausted after the 30 seconds and based on that you should be able to adjust your resistance as to allow you to barely complete 30 seconds.


    Richard Schmitt

    So resistance should be pretty high then correct? Also with HIIT recommended by Kiefer, the 4:30 rest/30 second sprint, is this done only for density bulking or can it be used for strength accumulation as well? The reason I ask is because for SA it says a 4 minute rest time, with (I believe this is what it means) up to a 2 minute sprint. I'm confused with that, do I sprint for 2 minutes, and rest for 4 minutes, or try to do a 2 minute sprint? I currently do 1:2 split, or 1/2:1 split. (sprint/rest).



    BigTex – the resistance doesn't necessarily need to be high, especially if you're doing 2 minute “sprints”. Honestly, I don't believe you (anyone) can truly sprint for 2 minutes. I understand the idea behind it, working at max effort for the entire time, but still, I can't imagine anyone actually needing to up resistance to make it challenging.Idk about what Poliquin says, but personally, I would never want to feel like my cardio was also a resistance exercise. Same goes for if I was using complexes for cardio, I'd choose a really light weight, like probably less than I'd use for a warmup for most of the exercises. I would just as soon save any muscle break down for resistance training.


    Damon Amato

    So resistance should be pretty high then correct? Also with HIIT recommended by Kiefer, the 4:30 rest/30 second sprint, is this done only for density bulking or can it be used for strength accumulation as well? The reason I ask is because for SA it says a 4 minute rest time, with (I believe this is what it means) up to a 2 minute sprint. I'm confused with that, do I sprint for 2 minutes, and rest for 4 minutes, or try to do a 2 minute sprint? I currently do 1:2 split, or 1/2:1 split. (sprint/rest).

    Listen to Kiefer's last interview, he mentions if people want to really accelerate fat loss, he has them do 4 minutes on, 2 minutes.  I don't remember if he said how many sets of that.  I would guess four.


    Richard Schmitt

    See that's the thing I've honestly tried to sprint, or go all out for 2 minutes, even trying to do 4 minutes, I get winded/tired at the one minute mark, and I'm seriously like pushing it too. Not no whimpy shit, that I only out 90% effort into it, no sir it's always 100% no matter what. I'd like to see someone sprint for that period of time…it'll either make me push harder to get that far, or feel like shit because I honestly can't sprint it for 4 minutes.With the whole resistance thing, I did the Tabata Protocol after my workout today and the resistance was normally higher than last time, and nearly killed myself haha.


    Damon Amato

    well don't forget that the longer the “on” period is, the lower max effort you should be putting in.  When I do KB swings for a tabata 20sec on/10sec off, I use 55lb.  If I did a 4min/2min split, I'd probably use 25lb.



    I know that when I use a cardio machine I crank up the resistance and incline.  It allows me to get my heart rate up quicker so I know that I'm doing effective HIIT whether it's tabata or Kiefer's protocol.

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Importance of Resistance

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