Important to have all types of Protein?

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    Before I purchase any protein powders, I was narrowing it down to Dymatize ISO-100, Kaizen Whey Isolate, Trutein IsoWhey do I have to have hydrolysate, casein, whey to be successful and reach my goals?I want to, from a financial standpoint buy one kind and like mentioned thinking of either of the three above.How would this affect my goals(fat loss, get fit) if any?If I'm going to add 10g into my shakes at times like he talks about in the books would either of these be okay to do that with?Thanks


    No, you don't need all of them.If cost is a concern, get some Whey Isolate, creatine, Leucine, and Caffeine if some form.



    I am getting whey isolate, leucine and have caffeine already.Stomach doesn't tolerate creatine to nicely. And I hold massive amounts of water while on it. Is this the same for everyone?


    I am getting whey isolate, leucine and have caffeine already.Stomach doesn't tolerate creatine to nicely. And I hold massive amounts of water while on it. Is this the same for everyone?

    Most people that I've talked to that has had stomach issues or severe bloating from creatine it was due to using low quality creatine.If you are in the states order some from either truenutrition or proteinfactory.That said, it's not necessary, it's just so dirt cheap and effecting there aren't many reasons to not use it.



    I used in the past AllMax Creatine Monohydrate.In Canada too.



    I used in the past AllMax Creatine Monohydrate.In Canada too.

    +1 same with me



    So I went to Costco. Kaizen is same price as Trutein Iso-ology.Any takers on this?

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Important to have all types of Protein?

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