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  • #11790

    Rob Haas

    Hello all,I've been a fan of BPak's MI40 stuff and now incorporating CBL.Looking forward to learning & progressing more. At 56 yo seams to get tougher but forging ahead anyway.Rob.


    Richard Schmitt

    How'd you like the original? I ran his MI40X for two cycles and made some pretty good progress. Also welcome!


    Melvin McLain

    Howdy and welcome from another geezer (57 and doing CNS).


    Penny Danner

    Oh stop!  Y'all are not old! πŸ˜›Welcome, Rob!


    Melvin McLain

    Oh stop!  Y'all are not old! πŸ˜›

    Hehe, yeah... ask all these 20-somethings about that. πŸ˜›I've found that any age sounds "less old" as you approach it though.  ;D


    Richard Schmitt

    I do not think any one here is old. I believe in the term that as years pass, you gain knowledge to pass on that wisdom to someone who has does not know certain things. I may be 23 but I don't act like it πŸ˜‰


    Penny Danner

    Age is just a number. πŸ™‚ 8)


    Melvin McLain

    Age is just a number. πŸ™‚ 8)

    So are weight and BF%... πŸ˜€_


    Lesli Bortz

    Welcome Rob! Consider starting a log. It's a good way to get support and I'd be interested to see how you do with CBL.


    Rob Haas

    Thanks I will that. I do have a starting picture and need to get an updated one. Learning a lot and feeling great.I have to disagree with those who say age is just a number. Things do change as we get older and we must be mindful of them.If you are 20 something now and say age doesn't matter, wait until you are mid 50's then talk to me. I'll be easy on you in telling you "I told you so" LOL.


    Lesli Bortz

    I believe age is just a number mentally but physically it's another story. I hope to keep my body as β€œyoung” as possible for as long as possible which includes being mindful of it. Though at 35 I don't feel any differences from my 20s  ::)…my husband has a different opinion though  ;D


    Melvin McLain

    Though at 35 I don't feel any differences from my 20s  ::)…my husband has a different opinion though  ;D

    Yeah... there's a reason for that. πŸ˜€Guys reach their physical peak around 25, and (as a general rule) it's a definite I-can't-deny-it-anymore difference by 30.


    Lesli Bortz

    I'll make sure to tell him it's all downhill now  πŸ˜‰


    Melvin McLain

    Lol well, I wouldn't necessarily recommend that approach… but if he's 35-ish, he's already aware. πŸ˜€


    Robert x Oleary

    Hi Rob,I'm a huge BPAK fan too, and thats how I was led here as well. Glad to meet a like minded individual. I'm also on the MI40X2 CEP program (starting weeks three). This stuff is incredible, eager to hear your feed back and read your posts/experiences.

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