Insulin Sensitive vs. Insulin Resistant: Difference? Which do we want?

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    Results were okay but I am not a fan of intermittent fasting at all it leaves me thinking about food the whole entire day and morning and that is not a stress that I need

    opposite for me.. second I eat all i think about is food.. if i fast i'm good till lunch or even dinner.. but it did take some time.. think it was around when i dropped gluten and most sugar the cravings pretty much subsided


    Tony Snow

    Yeah, I decided to try the Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting protocol with a refeed every 14 to 21 days, and see how it works.  I don't have any issues when IF either and found it was a struggle to make myself eat at the 12 to 14 hour mark per the Kiefer recommendation.  The Bulletproof Coffee really does help my hunger in the morning.  The toughest part may be going 14 days ULC from a psychological perspective, since even though I didn't look forward to Carb Nite as much as in the beginning, mentally it became a nice break from ULC and I love getting creative with plain white rice and lean protein (beef fajitas with gravy over rice, low fat shrimp scampi, shredded chicken and chipotle sauce over rice…I am already getting hungry!).


    Tony Snow

    Just wanted to give an update to anyone who was interested….I moved to Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting at the beginning of November, with a Carb Nite every two weeks, and lo and behold, in one month I dropped 11 pounds…down to 188 today, my last Carb Nite was on Thanksgiving.  Woo hoo!  First weight loss I have had in over a year.



    Just wanted to give an update to anyone who was interested....I moved to Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting at the beginning of November, with a Carb Nite every two weeks, and lo and behold, in one month I dropped 11 pounds...down to 188 today, my last Carb Nite was on Thanksgiving.  Woo hoo!  First weight loss I have had in over a year.

    awesome news man!


    Brandon D Christ

    Just wanted to give an update to anyone who was interested....I moved to Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting at the beginning of November, with a Carb Nite every two weeks, and lo and behold, in one month I dropped 11 pounds...down to 188 today, my last Carb Nite was on Thanksgiving.  Woo hoo!  First weight loss I have had in over a year.

    Good job!  Would you mind posting your exact diet?


    Tony Snow

    My diet is basically the same, only difference being that I only eat from 12 PM to 6 PM.  It works for me, as I never ate after 6 PM any way because I am up at 4 AM, so my schedule is not average.Here is a basic breakdown of my ULC ~ Approx. 1800 calories:4:30 AM - Black Coffee6:00 AM - Bulletproof Coffee with 1 tbsp each of GF butter, MCT, coconut oil, cinnamon, stevia12:00 PM - 8 oz GF beef or lamb, 3 pasture eggs, brussel  sprouts or guac3:00 PM - 8 oz GF beef or lamb, slice of cheese6:00 PM - GF beef bacon or sometimes chicken, brussel sprouts or guacThat's it.  I switched my workouts to the afternoon/evening from the morning, so that I wasn't breaking my fast with a PWO shake.  And then I do carb nite every two weeks, doing HIIT for 3 to 4 days afterwards and then just lifting for the remaining days.  My carb nites are about 400g carbs, even though on Thanksgiving, the one National pig out day, for some strange reason I only downed 250g carbs.


    Richard Schmitt

    Impressive results sir!


    Brandon D Christ

    Is there a reason Asprey says to only eat between 12 PM and 6 PM?


    Is there a reason Asprey says to only eat between 12 PM and 6 PM?

    I haven't seen him put a specific time as much as a eating window of 6 hours.


    Tony Snow

    Yes, he just says a six hour window, and 12 to 6 works for me, as I have always stopped eating around 6 to give myself at least 12 hours prior to my PWO shake, when following the Keifer recommendation of fasting 12 to 14 and I was working out at 5 AM.  I kind of listen to my body, as there are one or two days a week when I cannot go the full 18 hours, and end up eating after 14 to 16 hours.  Usually that is due to not eating enough calories during the 6 hour window the previous day, at least for me.

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Insulin Sensitive vs. Insulin Resistant: Difference? Which do we want?

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