Insulin Sensitive vs. Insulin Resistant: Difference? Which do we want?

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    Tony Snow

    So, after 1 year of strictly adhering to the CNS protocol with a strong exercise protocol, I have not lost any weight.  I lost inches and I am the strongest I have ever been, but I don't see any real body recomp in my pics (my long ass post and pictures here–> never had the Keto flu, felt low energy, or bonked on CNS.  The only time I felt low energy was in Feb. at the height of training: I was doing 5/3/1 3x/week with a Crossfit focus, one day of HIIT, one day of tempo runs, and one day was a 10 mile run.  I ran the 10 miles on the sixth day (working out 6 days a week), and the morning of my CN.  About 6 miles into it is the only time I felt low energy.  The other unusual thing is that while following CNS my blood work was normal (former type 2 diabetic).  When I went to CBL for 60 days, my fasting blood sugar levels shot up to the point that my doctor mentioned I am pre diabetic based on my A1C results.  Huh?  I was consuming 150g to 200g of carbs PWO 4 days a week.Are there any indications here that I may be insulin resistant or am I confusing the two?


    Brandon D Christ

    So, after 1 year of strictly adhering to the CNS protocol with a strong exercise protocol, I have not lost any weight.  I lost inches and I am the strongest I have ever been, but I don't see any real body recomp in my pics (my long ass post and pictures here--> never had the Keto flu, felt low energy, or bonked on CNS.  The only time I felt low energy was in Feb. at the height of training: I was doing 5/3/1 3x/week with a Crossfit focus, one day of HIIT, one day of tempo runs, and one day was a 10 mile run.  I ran the 10 miles on the sixth day (working out 6 days a week), and the morning of my CN.  About 6 miles into it is the only time I felt low energy.  The other unusual thing is that while following CNS my blood work was normal (former type 2 diabetic).  When I went to CBL for 60 days, my fasting blood sugar levels shot up to the point that my doctor mentioned I am pre diabetic based on my A1C results.  Huh?  I was consuming 150g to 200g of carbs PWO 4 days a week.Are there any indications here that I may be insulin resistant or am I confusing the two?

    You want to be insulin sensitive.  In certain cases being insulin resistant can come in handy, but overall you want to be very insulin sensitive.If CNS doesn't work, you might want to go on a extended keto diet.  Meaning no weekly carb ups.  You might be one of the rare people that are so metabolically screwed up you need to go low carb for a very long time.How is your metabolism?  Do you know how much you are eating each day?


    Tony Snow

    You want to be insulin sensitive.  In certain cases being insulin resistant can come in handy, but overall you want to be very insulin sensitive.If CNS doesn't work, you might want to go on a extended keto diet.  Meaning no weekly carb ups.  You might be one of the rare people that are so metabolically screwed up you need to go low carb for a very long time.How is your metabolism?  Do you know how much you are eating each day?

    Funny you would mention the Keto diet, because I was debating if I should go a few weeks WITHOUT a carb nite, just to see what happens.  My calories have varied in the last year, as I was trying to jump start my fat burning, so first I was sitting around 2100 kcals for about 3 months, then I got feedback to bump it up (plus I was in training) so then I sat at 2700 for about 4 months, when I went on CBL I lowered it to about 1800, taking in 750 during ULC portion and the rest in the backload.  Currently I am about 1800 calories per day doing about .75g Protien to 1g Fat.


    Brandon D Christ

    You want to be insulin sensitive.  In certain cases being insulin resistant can come in handy, but overall you want to be very insulin sensitive.If CNS doesn't work, you might want to go on a extended keto diet.  Meaning no weekly carb ups.  You might be one of the rare people that are so metabolically screwed up you need to go low carb for a very long time.How is your metabolism?  Do you know how much you are eating each day?

    Funny you would mention the Keto diet, because I was debating if I should go a few weeks WITHOUT a carb nite, just to see what happens.  My calories have varied in the last year, as I was trying to jump start my fat burning, so first I was sitting around 2100 kcals for about 3 months, then I got feedback to bump it up (plus I was in training) so then I sat at 2700 for about 4 months, when I went on CBL I lowered it to about 1800, taking in 750 during ULC portion and the rest in the backload.  Currently I am about 1800 calories per day doing about .75g Protien to 1g Fat.

    Ok your calories don't seem bad so your metabolic rate is likely fine.  I would try going on keto diet.  Something needs to change, but maybe going low carb for several weeks is what you need.


    Tony Snow

    Ok, thanks for the input.  I was torn on whether to do a Carb Nite or not, as tomorrow is my standard Carb Nite.  I think I will see if I can finish November without a Carb Nite and see what happens. I am starting to believe that I may not be getting truly depleted in one week...When I went from CBL back to CNS, instead of doing a 10 day reorientation, I just did 7 days with 6 days of HIIT and...nothing!  I felt a little low energy on the last day, but it was no issues doing 6 days of HIIT.  Also this week, I experimented with the same concept, just to see how it felt.  So, Carb Nite was Fri., did nothing Sat., Sun. did Insanity, Mon. did HIIT, Tues. did Insanity, Wed. did HIIT, this morning did Insanity, and no issues finishing any of these workouts.  And I also lifted Sun., Mon., And Wed. in the evenings...and the morning after my carb nites I always felt and looked tighter/leaner, never the weight gain/bloating that people speak of.



    I've been ULC for 18 days and I didn't feel the flu until day 12-14. I was kinda feeling sick plus my head and eyeballs hurt for 2 days straight. Now today my head is kinda feeling funky again but I'm gonna blame the weather this time because the weather has been changing so much and that tends to mess with me.


    Tony Snow

    I've been ULC for 18 days and I didn't feel the flu until day 12-14. I was kinda feeling sick plus my head and eyeballs hurt for 2 days straight. Now today my head is kinda feeling funky again but I'm gonna blame the weather this time because the weather has been changing so much and that tends to mess with me.

    So have you been experimenting with going longer than a week on ULC?  What have your results been?  And has it affected your lifting?  I am assuming that I should probably stop doing HIIT once I go into a second week of ULC...



    I've been ULC for 18 days and I didn't feel the flu until day 12-14. I was kinda feeling sick plus my head and eyeballs hurt for 2 days straight. Now today my head is kinda feeling funky again but I'm gonna blame the weather this time because the weather has been changing so much and that tends to mess with me.

    So have you been experimenting with going longer than a week on ULC?  What have your results been?  And has it affected your lifting?  I am assuming that I should probably stop doing HIIT once I go into a second week of ULC...

    Yes I've been doing long ULC periods 14-28 days for a while now. I went from 218-193 in about 10-12 weeks without any lifting. Still not lifting right now but I will be this coming week but I've lifted during other long ULC periods and I can power threw them and hit the same weights just not the same reps. For example with carbs I was hitting 385x3 without carbs I'd hit 385x1. No real need for HIIT when your ULC for over 7 days and it probably does more harm than good. Now a nice long walk would be something you could do instead and its also nice and relaxing to get out and about.


    Brandon D Christ

    Keep in mind whether or not you get keto flu is irrelevant.  I never get it either.  Only about 50% of people go into ketosis.  The other 50% just adapt to low carb easily and go into non-ketosis ketogenesis.  You get the keto flu when you are in ketosis. 


    Tony Snow

    Yeah, I was enjoying just walking and lifting heavy for awhile, but was not getting results.  I am actually excited to try going ULC for longer periods and just focusing on lifting heavy and walking.  The area I live in is perfect for it, and I have a lab puppy that needs lots of walks…



    Im the opposite, a CN will work a week or so for me just to lose water after that, im lethargic, lifts suffer so does motivation and struggle at work, maybe try putting on some lean mass, add some more cals to build some serious nuscle fix this netabolisim of yours and have another crack, remember also this is only ONE protocol, and a protocol it is, manyyyyyyyyyyy around this world of ours have had as good results with calorie control, bb type diets, keto, and hell ostmeal fruit and all the above carbs throughout the day, try something else


    Tony Snow

    Im the opposite, a CN will work a week or so for me just to lose water after that, im lethargic, lifts suffer so does motivation and struggle at work, maybe try putting on some lean mass, add some more cals to build some serious nuscle fix this netabolisim of yours and have another crack, remember also this is only ONE protocol, and a protocol it is, manyyyyyyyyyyy around this world of ours have had as good results with calorie control, bb type diets, keto, and hell ostmeal fruit and all the above carbs throughout the day, try something else

    I hear ya! Knowledge is a powerful thing.  Knowing what I know now it is will be hard for me to shove just anything into my mouth, as now I know better.  I am trying to find that sweet spot between fat loss and health, so I am researching other protocols to find what will give me optimal health as well as continued fat loss.



    Mzybe a paleo approach to start take it reallll essy let ur body recover snd then try some crazy  protocol like this unfortunately I have heard not good things about CBL when trying to build good muscle in regards to powerlifting and other strength sports but some on this forum will argue the difference and each to their own



    Personally I have only tried this protocol so I don't know any difference



    Results were okay but I am not a fan of intermittent fasting at all it leaves me thinking about food the whole entire day and morning and that is not a stress that I need

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Insulin Sensitive vs. Insulin Resistant: Difference? Which do we want?

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