Insulin The Night Before AM Training

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    Would those who have AM training schedules do better to have some insulin “lowering” ingredients like cinnamon with their carbs the night before?In other words, to Naomi or Kiefer if you are reading this:  Does the effect of increased GH and anabolic response with carbohydrates the night before a workout depend on insulin being raised the night before or on consuming the carbohydrates themselves?  If the latter is the case, then it seems plausible that taking some insulin lowering agents the night before would optimize the protocol, as the no direct anabolic benefit is available when consuming the carbs.  Anybody have any thoughts or is also interested in hearing the answer?-Adam



    99% sure it's the act of eating carbs. Go for the cinnamon.



    Thanks Iowa, glad my question made sense.  Can you think of any other insulin squelching agents that might be of good use?-Adam



    Actually, you want as much of an insulin spike as possible the night prior to am training. This creates a similar spike PWO after am session.Thus is explained In more detail in the book. So the higher the night spike the better the reaction after training. So insulin lowering should not be of any benefit



    Hmmm, I don't remember the insulin spike the night before an AM training session thing. I'll have to look into it.


    Damon Amato

    +1 to sckiely.  @/iowa: the insulin spike the night before AM training is what helps to give a bigger hulk factor and energy for the training session.  Dunno if that's in the book but I know both Naomi and Kiefer have said that specifically.



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Insulin The Night Before AM Training

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