Insulin to spike or not to spike?

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    Hi guys, I thought I'd post this question as I've read some conflicting information on this subject recently and so, speaking as a hard gainer, I'd love to know the best way to add muscle! I've been taking post workout dextrose with my whey as Kiefer advice in CBL to spike insulin levels and full up glycogen stores...However, I've read recently in Flex magazine that there is insufficient evidence to support that additional simple carbs increase your insulin levels further post workout. They actually state that insulin response will be stimulated enough by a high quality whey protein and the extra sugars would be surplus to requirements. They also say that this is supported by research, so if this is true then whats the use of CBL after a intense workout?Is this correct, as it's contrary to any advice I've had before?





    Anybody else got a response to this?


    Damon Amato

    I'm not sure why they thought adding carbs would increase protein synthesis in the first place.  The reason for pwo carbs is to replenish muscle glycogen, which an insulin spike is clearly beneficial for, not for protein synthesis.


    I'm not sure why they thought adding carbs would increase protein synthesis in the first place.  The reason for pwo carbs is to replenish muscle glycogen, which an insulin spike is clearly beneficial for, not for protein synthesis.

    Of course. Thanks for clearing that up 🙂



    I'm not sure why they thought adding carbs would increase protein synthesis in the first place.  The reason for pwo carbs is to replenish muscle glycogen, which an insulin spike is clearly beneficial for, not for protein synthesis.

    Why then would Kiefer say that CNS isnt particularly good for muscle gain? And why is it generally held that to bulk you need carbs? it cant just be for calories because fat can certainly supply tons of calories. There is still ample carbs on CNS to refill glycogen stores as well.And along those lines why on Density Bulking would you need carbs on off days when you could just add more fat and protein to gain muscle?

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Insulin to spike or not to spike?

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