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March 20, 2012 at 12:49 am #1052
Hogben45MemberHey guys, been stalking the forums like a vulture for about a month and finally decided to make my presence known. A little about me…Coming off of about 4 months of crossfit. I saw great results. Increased strength while decreasing BF. No gains in mass, though. I also love the style of training. I cant stand the normal gym routine, but gave in to try to stack on a few pounds of lean muscle. Im currently on week 3 of the Wendler 531 program.I've been doing CBL for about 4 weeks...and I'm struggling with it. Before I started, I was about 7% BF, 165 pounds, deadlift at about 400lbs. Now, after 4 weeks, I look and feel fatter, weigh 173 pounds, but feel very strong. I came from a low carb, 80% paleo diet that followed most of the CBL principles (without actually knowing what CBL was), and I continued crossfit into my prep phase for a total of 5 days. I didnt lose much, about 1.5 pounds.Anyways, thats enough of that. I'll try to keep active in the forums!! A pic of me for reference, mid backload tonight, happy and FULL!-Ben
March 20, 2012 at 1:28 am #39713
amedioGuestGreat to have you Hogben! Welcome to the forum buddy!
March 20, 2012 at 1:39 am #39714
March 22, 2012 at 12:04 am #39715
jable1066ParticipantHey man, welcome! I am in a very similar position to you which should be interesting! I've done Crossfit for about a year and whilst increased a lot in strength, my muscle mass really hasn't come along much – which given the amount of lifting I've done is surprising. But I guess that's CF for you. I started out a little lighter than you at about 160 and I'm climbing toward 165-167 at ~8% BF. It's only the past week I think I'm getting the hang of it. For me I need to have days where I back off. I went 5 days in 1 week and felt like it was too much – having 2 days of low carb and going CBL every other day or only on heavy days seems like it'll work well. I'm currently logging everything on the density bulk section so have a look if you want to get an idea of how much I've been eating etc. I've noticed my lifts are much stronger than what they've ever been - not sure whether that's a new bias toward strength training or the carbs but I'm happy either way.
March 22, 2012 at 12:27 am #39716
Hogben45MemberHey jable, great to hear. I'll keep up with your posts and try to do the same with mine. I haven't done crossfit in 4 weeks now and its really killing me. I feel like everything else is so slow and boring. I want to get up to 180 or so then dial off CBL and lean back out, hopefully to compete in the games next year.
March 22, 2012 at 1:36 am #39717
Stephen DavisParticipantWhere in TN? I live outside Memphis.
March 22, 2012 at 2:22 am #39718
Hogben45MemberI'm currently in Chattanooga. Been out to Memphis for the Beale Street Music festival once before, cool place!
March 22, 2012 at 9:30 am #39719
jable1066ParticipantYeah, I've dialled down the Crossfit massively now. I focus more on strength and sprinting. I do throw the occasional circuit in at the end of a workout – but it's not all out pace throwing high rep oly lifts around. Usually just kettlebell work or press ups/strict pull ups/dips/planks/lunges, that sort of thing. There's still room for certain CF WOD's in my life as I'm about to go into the Military so anything with body weight movements is welcome on my rest days! I just found I wasn't happy with how I was looking and feeling doing constant CF - it was tearing me apart trying to fit lifting, CF, sprinting etc. all into one program. Try doing your assistance work as circuits or with little rest - I find it helps keep the boredom away. If you choose to do the boring but big template from 5-3-1 then 5x10 back squats at 50-60% with something like hollow body holds or box jumps in between soon feels like a WOD!
March 22, 2012 at 8:50 pm #39720
dawatts22Member“Now, after 4 weeks, I look and feel fatter, weigh 173 pounds, but feel very strong.”Did you take any measurements or just a visual thing? The mind plays tricks on ya.
March 23, 2012 at 1:27 am #39721
Hogben45MemberI thought about that…No “official” measurements. Just going by what I can grab around my torso. I was 178 today after dinner (pre carb indulgence). Is it possible that because I came from a low carb, low GI, paleo based diet that all of these extra carbs are too much too soon? I admit, I wanted to weigh 180, but I don't think my composition is right.
March 23, 2012 at 5:52 pm #39722
jable1066ParticipantI think doing low carb previously would only be of benefit. That's why you do the 10 day prep phase, to get your body used to using fat for fuel etc. Try having a few days ULC and take some pictures. I obsess and constantly look at myself and I find some days I look like shit and some I think I look awesome. In reality I probably look barely any different.
March 24, 2012 at 2:21 am #39723
Hogben45MemberThat's exactly what I planned on doing. Today through Sunday ULC. Next week is the deload phase for wendlers plan so I figure I won't need to backload Sunday night like I usually do.
March 24, 2012 at 1:09 pm #39724
Stephen DavisParticipantI'm currently in Chattanooga. Been out to Memphis for the Beale Street Music festival once before, cool place!
Chattanooga is a nice place. My family and I were there last spring break. I love the mountains.
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