iphone apps..workout journal and other fitness app suggestions

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    Can anyone recommend a good workout journal app for my iphone? Are there any fitness app suggestions I might consider? I already use myfitnesspal to track my daily food intake.


    Richard Schmitt

    I use Jefit. It's great because it has a bunch of movements you can list and track. Even right up your own if needed. Also has a timer and a log.



    The native calendar app isn't too bad....I like pen and pad (ol school)I've used a lot, and a lot of them suck, Fitness Buddy is a pretty good one, and one of the top fitness apps in the market.Let me know if you find a better one



    After purchasing a few and testing them, I think JeFit is the best, not perfect, but happy with it.


    Been using JEFit for over a year.  Pretty good, no serious complaints.



    I like gym pact for workouts because it pays me for getting to the gym, and LoseIt for nutrition tracking cosmits easy to log foods and get nutrient breakdowns.

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iphone apps..workout journal and other fitness app suggestions

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