Is CBL for marathoners?

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    The more I read into CBL the more it seems like it should be for heavy lifters rather than marathoners. I lift twice a week, one push and one pull day. I mean I lift hard, but obviously not at the bodybuilder level due to my large milage during the week. I run 5-6 times a week, along with 1 day of speed work. My lifts are always at 3-4pm, along with my runs (besides when I overlap, then my runs go in the morning). I just went through my 10 day zero carb prerequisite, and today I splurged right after lifting into carbs and protein. Can I utilize this CBL to my advantage? and if I can, on the days that I run, should I start eating quality carbs after my run or treat my runs like my lifts and splurge afterwards?Also on the days I don't lift or run (1-2 days a week) should I eat no carbs at all?And one last question. When should i stop vacuuming carbs on lifting days? Lets say I lift at 4, eat at 5-530. Should every meal until I go to sleep around 11-1am include at least some carbs in it? Sorry for the massive amount of questions...


    My first question is what is the reason you run?Is it for health, body comp. and performance or for enjoyment?Kiefer has used carb nite for marathoners, and I'm sure CBL could be tweaked but it will be very hard.That type of cardio decrease the tglut trans-location you get from resistance training which means CBL wont be as effective.



    Well first it was just for fun, then I started getting into racing and now I just love training to get a better PR. I'm sure i'll return to lifting in the future, but for now I want to keep doing marathons since its what I'm good at. The only thing I don't like is running off all of my muscele and looking malnourished, which I don't, but I fear it.(6'1, 170lbs)I read somewhere that CBL helped one of kiefers patients knock an hour off their PR, so i figured I'd give it a try with around 6 months til race day.


    Well first it was just for fun, then I started getting into racing and now I just love training to get a better PR. I'm sure i'll return to lifting in the future, but for now I want to keep doing marathons since its what I'm good at. The only thing I don't like is running off all of my muscele and looking malnourished, which I don't, but I fear it.(6'1, 170lbs)I read somewhere that CBL helped one of kiefers patients knock an hour off their PR, so i figured I'd give it a try with around 6 months til race day.

    He did that with a more carb nite style approach. Heavily tweaked though.



    Any idea where I can find that?


    Damon Amato

    he hasn't specifically posted it anywhere in print.

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Is CBL for marathoners?

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