Is Kiefer a hardcore apple fanboy?

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    He doesnt seem like the type, but then why go from an ebook that everyone can use, to an app that only iphone people can use.Am I missing something?I hope he comes out with an android app, but why take down the ebook? I would want that regardless, if only for the study citations we have come to expect.I want Shockwave.I do not want an iphone.Is there hope for me?


    Brandon D Christ

    He actually hates Apple.  There is an android app coming out this summer I think.



    I want to do Shockwave too! It sounds awesome but I have NO CLUE how to do it or even exactly what it is…lol. And I would've already bought it but I'm on android as well. Everyone really seems to love the Shockwave program though so hopefully it won't be too long.



    But why ditch the eBook?I'm worried its because the research the original was based on didnt couldn't hold up to scrutiny.


    But why ditch the eBook?I'm worried its because the research the original was based on didnt couldn't hold up to scrutiny.

    It's still the same principles in the app stuff.It's because A. he has a business and is looking to grow it B. because the app allows for more future growth of the program and more customization.


    The free “ebook” was just an snippet of his actual full shockwave program. A lot of people who downloaded 1.4 still had many questions about altering it to different lifting schedules, the GAIN app allows individual users to set that, and it adjusts from there. He didn't create the app, but it was well suited for what he's trying to accomplish. Don't fret, the android version will be out soon enough.



    Gain was an already established platform. Easy entry point. Amazing way to get content to a TON of people, and beyond the readership of DH. Even if they just have an iPhone app right now, the partnership was a no-brainer.



    But why scrap the ebook alltogether? It doesnt make sense even from a buisness standpoint.Why not just include the ebook with the app? like if you get the app, you get a code to enter in somewhere to get the ebook.The app really isnt that attractive if I cant look at the research foundations it was built on.


    But why scrap the ebook alltogether? It doesnt make sense even from a buisness standpoint.Why not just include the ebook with the app? like if you get the app, you get a code to enter in somewhere to get the ebook.The app really isnt that attractive if I cant look at the research foundations it was built on.

    The article about SW has all the research it was founded on.The Ebook just had a explanation of how to do them, nothing about the research behind it. I agree that having the ebook would be smart, at least for a small fee. $5 or something for the basic structure.



    But why ditch the eBook?I'm worried its because the research the original was based on didnt couldn't hold up to scrutiny.

    a little thing called money


    joe boulware

    I'm in for 80.00 for the two books I would buy the SWP ebook but I don't want it on my phone . I stare at backlit screens too much as it is.

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Is Kiefer a hardcore apple fanboy?

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