Jeans for Muscular People?

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    Brandon D Christ

    As my squat numbers keep going up and up, my thighs and my glutes keep getting bigger and bigger.  Though I have pretty low bodyfat at around 8%, I am having trouble fitting into the loosest fitting jeans that I can find.  Does anybody know where I can get jeans that will fit aren't old man jeans?  My waist is only 28″ so I don't think the big and tall store would be good.I hate wearing sweatpants/athletic pants in public because I think they make you look like a bum.



    I feel for you, as I have the same issue.  I have to be frugal as hell these days, so I do most of my clothes shopping at Kohl's, not sure if you have one near you or not.  They carry a brand called Helix that seem to fit pretty well, except for their 'skinny' jeans, obviously.  I have 3 pairs of their 'boot cut' style and they pretty well. I think they run about $30 a pair, so light on the wallet.  The only issue is that this company has a tendency to get silly with the stitching styles sometimes. Until I can afford jeans from The Buckle, where Jim Wendler recommends going, ol' Helix will have to do. 


    Russell Crosswy

    I think this is the bane of existence for athletic builds. I have a similar problem and have since high school. Best jeans I've found for me have been from Banana Republic or the Gap. Just have to try several different cuts and see what works. My suggestion is to buy several pairs if you find some that work for you. The seasonality of fashion means those jeans will be gone after a few months. I've often wondered if there is a market for athletic cut casual clothes. Do most pro athletes just get a tailor for all their clothes?


    Jeans? are you kidding… suit pants… I just had to buy a size bigger so my legs fit


    Damon Amato

    28″ waist?  I hate you right now. I'm stuck at 38″ not going anywhere.



    I do the same thing as Intensity Junkie. I have the same size waist as you ibobland and I'm usually buying a 30″ or 31″ waist just so my legs and ass fit properly.

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Jeans for Muscular People?

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