John Romaniello recommends the "7/17" approach.

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    Robert Gray

    The more I learn about training, the less I listen to John “Roman” Romaniello.  His content has gotten a lot more promotional and “fluffy” since he started palling around with Tim Ferriss, although I do owe him for steering me towards Dangerously Hardcore with a link one fateful evening.All that said, I received this email just now and thought it was interesting that Roman is now also recommending ketogenic dieting for the masses with "7/17 weight loss."  Do the numbers seem a little arbitrary or is there some magic going on behind the scenes?

    The following 7 days were designed to make you lose fat rapidly.No matter your body type, if you are currently consuming a lot of sauces,vegetables, fruits, carbs, or any other form of sugar, I have an excitinglyeasy and approachable way for you to lose fat in the next 7 days.  Dr. Kareem is not a nutritionist, so this is simply his own experience and experience he's had with clients that decided to give it a try -- without fail so far, it works. It's called the "7/17 Rule," and it's quickly becoming recognized asthe easiest-to-understand and most rapid fat loss 7 day diet -- hereare the only things you have to remember and follow for the next week:7 grams of sugar a day--MAX. No matter what.17 grams of carbs per day--MAX. No matter what. For some, it's not "easy" but it is simple - hard to screw that up. Now to make it even easier and more effective, you get to CHEAT on Day 7. (anything by trans fats).That's it; super simple, and super effective.  Reset your body's relationship with sugar, strategically consume sugarand other carbohydrates every 7 days, and allow your body the opportunityto repair insulin sensitivity rapidly.



    So it's basically the same as CNS, just more strick on carbs through the week and then carbs ALL day on the 7th?


    Robert Gray

    This weird 7/17 thing is just another twist on the tradition cyclical ketogenic approach.  CNS is the only protocol I'm aware of that restricts “cheat day” to a specific time window for actual biological reasons.I just found the numbers to be interesting.  "7/17" is catchy, but just sounds so weird.


    Jimmy T

    Even more promotional?  😮 That guy should be in the mass marketing hall of fame!


    Robert Gray

    Even more promotional?  😮 That guy should be in the mass marketing hall of fame!

    Haha, I suppose so.  I discovered his blog about a year ago when he still gave actual workout advice instead of just rambling into a webcam, but beyond that I'm not familiar with his whole history.


    Felix E Faul

    He's just one of the many many snake oil salesmen like Jeff Anderson, Vincent Delmonte and Joel Marion trying to make their money steadily promoting each others products which are mostly either based on the worst science or ripped of and renamed.



    Why the hate? He's very smart and funny and knows his stuff.


    Felix E Faul

    Nope – he doesn't. Just look on Arnold Schwarzeneggers Page and search for the CBL article. Even Kiefer can be found in the comments section…

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John Romaniello recommends the "7/17" approach.

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