Just a shout-out to all on the East coast…

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    I hope everyone is safe!


    Richard Schmitt

    +1 to Kat as well!If y'all need anything, I can do my best to help. I am planning on making a couple donations to assist the Red Cross. Trust me when I say if I could, I would move over there to help for that time being.


    Brandon D Christ

    Where I live didn't get hit hard at all, but I did see the sun for the first time in like 5 days today!


    I hope everyone is safe!

    Thank you, Kat.  On behalf of all NY'ers.  Some of us in the city (not me) were hit extremely hard... lost homes, lost lives, power, water, etc.Cory



    My brother, and his GF, and I are trying to get signed up to go down and help out. Upstate, at least my area, didn;t much of any damage.

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Just a shout-out to all on the East coast…

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