Just started backloading

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    Yeah, you might simply need to lower you intake to find your sweet spot. My intake is based off of what I worked that day, so you might try cycling that around too.



    Yeah, you might simply need to lower you intake to find your sweet spot. My intake is based off of what I worked that day, so you might try cycling that around too.

    Good idea, I will play with 350g tonight. Today was squat day. Maybe backload heavier on squat and deadlift days, medium on bench day and light on overhead press day?Appreciate all the help.


    My largest backloads come on squat days, medium on deads and bench, and lightest on OHP, so yeah, that should work well.



    Just for a reference point, what is your max for your backload and whats the heavy, med, light amounts?


    500-600 on squat, 400-500 on deads and bench, 300-400 on OHP.If I feel really wrecked on any given day I'll go upwards of 700+ and I always feel much better then next day, plus I really sleep like a rock.



    Nice, thanks for that! And from your prep phase, what was your max # of carbs?


    800+I don't remember the exact number.



    Gotcha dang thats huge haha. So maybe do 400-500 squat day, 300-400 deads and bench, 200-300 overhead day?


    I'd start there and play with it as needed.



    Sounds good. Yeah I backloaded 400-450 all four days last week lol



    Make sure you keep us posted. I'm kind of in the same boat right now, 6'0 tall and currently weigh 218lbs, up 8 pounds when I got off CNS three weeks ago. Gaining muscle but not losing weight and still have a tire around my waist.I train 5 days a week and backload on those days, highest carb load has been 450g.  It's kind of difficult to get the carbs in, I can't imagine going any higher, I usually go to sleep feeling really full.



    Dreamcrusher – will do!Last night I backloaded 327g carbs. Did not have anymore cause I was full basically. Woke up this morning, felt good but also just felt normal skin tightness wise. I did not feel as watery as I have been feeling though...



    Make sure you keep us posted. I'm kind of in the same boat right now, 6'0 tall and currently weigh 218lbs, up 8 pounds when I got off CNS three weeks ago. Gaining muscle but not losing weight and still have a tire around my waist.I train 5 days a week and backload on those days, highest carb load has been 450g.  It's kind of difficult to get the carbs in, I can't imagine going any higher, I usually go to sleep feeling really full.

    I would think 2000g of carbs per week would be a bit much to lose weight on.  Are you going high intensity every single day?



    I'm not hitting 450 everyday, I said it was the highest I've hit.  Also, it's suggested that you start as high as possible and work down, depending on how you look and feel the next morning. Some people have hit as high as 700g in one night and reported weight loss the following morning, I'm just trying to find the sweet spot without falling into a coma.Still trying to work it out and yeah I usually hit it hard everyday.

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Just started backloading

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