Just starting CBL. How many carbs should I eat during my CBL?

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    So, I've been reading the CBL and was curious about how many carbs I should be taking in during my CBL.  I'm looking to lean down, training DC (Dogg Crapp) style right now.  I looked at the BW to Carb chart but wasn't sure if at 213, I needed to be taking in 700g.  Any help would be great.  Sorry for such a stupid question.


    It's not stupid, the charts can be confusing.Those are your max numbers.


    Richard Schmitt

    Shoot for 700g and monitor how you look and feel the next day. Tight feel good=right amount. Soft bloated=dial it down.



    It's not stupid, the charts can be confusing.Those are your max numbers.

    Good!I am looking at my Pre-carb calculator and it says that my fat is at 37 while my protein is at 152.5 ... I have no idea how to calculate my calories.  You know, I was a music major and took basic checkbooking in college  😛I gather that I am going to shoot for 1:1 still.  Is there some sort of calculator that I can find to help me figure that stuff out.  Or, have I, just now, entered the stupid question mode?


    Richard Schmitt

    It's not stupid, the charts can be confusing.Those are your max numbers.

    Good!I am looking at my Pre-carb calculator and it says that my fat is at 37 while my protein is at 152.5 ... I have no idea how to calculate my calories.  You know, I was a music major and took basic checkbooking in college  😛I gather that I am going to shoot for 1:1 still.  Is there some sort of calculator that I can find to help me figure that stuff out.  Or, have I, just now, entered the stupid question mode?

    I'd say eat half your BW in protein matched with fat during the day, and in the backload have that 30g PWO shake of protein say another 50g worth of protein in lean meat (8oz chicken) and maybe end the night with some protein. Me, my goal weight is 175/180 so about 80-90g of fat/protein during the day, 30g PWO protein getting at 110-120g then 8oz chicken getting it to 160-170g with a possible 10-20g worth of protein for the ending carb meal. Sounds ideal? And does this help? The max carb for ideal BW is around 600g so that's a number I'll try to shoot for, not every time but max amount. Fat will matter with first meal but dot care in the second or third carb meal.



    Shoot for 700g and monitor how you look and feel the next day. Tight feel good=right amount. Soft bloated=dial it down.

    Thanks Big Tex.  Nice avatar by the way, next June is going to be awesome with Man of Steel.  on a more serious note, 700g carbs seems like a crap load.  I have always felt like I was carb sensitive so I guess the mirror test will have to work.  Is there any backlash, outside of the obvious of possible muscle loss, of eating less carbs?  so far tonight, I have taken in around 220 grams.  Is this way to low?  I'm over 10% BF currently but am a amatuer natural body builder and typically do shows however took the summer off due to my wife having a baby.  I'm sorry for all the questions but I want to get this right.


    Richard Schmitt

    Shoot for 700g and monitor how you look and feel the next day. Tight feel good=right amount. Soft bloated=dial it down.

    Thanks Big Tex.  Nice avatar by the way, next June is going to be awesome with Man of Steel.  on a more serious note, 700g carbs seems like a crap load.  I have always felt like I was carb sensitive so I guess the mirror test will have to work.  Is there any backlash, outside of the obvious of possible muscle loss, of eating less carbs?  so far tonight, I have taken in around 220 grams.  Is this way to low?  I'm over 10% BF currently but am a amatuer natural body builder and typically do shows however took the summer off due to my wife having a baby.  I'm sorry for all the questions but I want to get this right.

    Oh yeah not a problem and that a goal of mine. To try and have a similar look by next May 8) No need to apologize, ask away before you're stalling. Now the only way for the whole muscle loss is by not eating carbs. A normal diet would have muscle loss but by eating a good amount you'll preserve if not increase. I would try and eat till you can't then address it the next day in the mirror. Log the types of food that works best for you. Ending the night with ice cream and a bit of protein works wonders for me, however I'm currently doing CNS. And yes 220g could be very low depending how heavy you just trained. Have you read Kiefer's new article for maximum fat loss?Congrats for you both on the baby by the way!



    No sir.  I just joined the forum and just bought the book on saturday.  I have been following a almost paleo diet for the past 3 weeks so the prep phase was unneccesary.  Last season, I competed using Skip Loading.  Not sure if you had heard of this.  I was eating basically less than 30g carbs per day until the Skip Load day “refeed” eating high GI carbs and very low fat and no protien.  Basically kids cereal, low fat poptarts and candy. I responded greatly however for off season, I felt like this might allow for more than normal life and also allowing me to keep my BF under control and lower than normal.  I will continue to eat more and regulate by mirror test in the morning.  I'm only eating 2 meals pre-workout which are protien and veggies.Also, with the pre-workout shake, is it going to raise my insulin to use optimum nutritions amino energy?


    Richard Schmitt

    No sir.  I just joined the forum and just bought the book on saturday.  I have been following a almost paleo diet for the past 3 weeks so the prep phase was unneccesary.  Last season, I competed using Skip Loading.  Not sure if you had heard of this.  I was eating basically less than 30g carbs per day until the Skip Load day "refeed" eating high GI carbs and very low fat and no protien.  Basically kids cereal, low fat poptarts and candy. I responded greatly however for off season, I felt like this might allow for more than normal life and also allowing me to keep my BF under control and lower than normal.  I will continue to eat more and regulate by mirror test in the morning.  I'm only eating 2 meals pre-workout which are protien and veggies.Also, with the pre-workout shake, is it going to raise my insulin to use optimum nutritions amino energy?

    Oh yes I've heard of Skip and his methods. Even seen the DVD he had about his diet routine. Pretty legit information. Well if you have the chance, go to http://dangerouslyhardcore.com/ look at the recent article and it will discuss maximum fat loss. If you're wanting to continue bodybuilding this method might be the right way to go. +1 on CBL help being part of a normal life, not that worry of saying you're "dieting" and looking at the menu or have to eat a certain way with family and friends. Lift heavy and enjoy the benefits. Now are you matching fat with the amount of protein in those meals? And yes it will raise insulin so I would advise to not use it.



    No sir.  I just joined the forum and just bought the book on saturday.  I have been following a almost paleo diet for the past 3 weeks so the prep phase was unneccesary.  Last season, I competed using Skip Loading.  Not sure if you had heard of this.  I was eating basically less than 30g carbs per day until the Skip Load day "refeed" eating high GI carbs and very low fat and no protien.  Basically kids cereal, low fat poptarts and candy. I responded greatly however for off season, I felt like this might allow for more than normal life and also allowing me to keep my BF under control and lower than normal.  I will continue to eat more and regulate by mirror test in the morning.  I'm only eating 2 meals pre-workout which are protien and veggies.Also, with the pre-workout shake, is it going to raise my insulin to use optimum nutritions amino energy?

    Oh yes I've heard of Skip and his methods. Even seen the DVD he had about his diet routine. Pretty legit information. Well if you have the chance, go to http://dangerouslyhardcore.com/ look at the recent article and it will discuss maximum fat loss. If you're wanting to continue bodybuilding this method might be the right way to go. +1 on CBL help being part of a normal life, not that worry of saying you're "dieting" and looking at the menu or have to eat a certain way with family and friends. Lift heavy and enjoy the benefits. Now are you matching fat with the amount of protein in those meals? And yes it will raise insulin so I would advise to not use it.

    I'm trying to.  I'm eating 8 oz chicken with quacamole.  8 oz tuna with light mayo and almonds on both meals 28grams of almonds to be precise.  I'm really not eating that much during the day at all.  my appetite isn't high with the coffee and whipping cream but trying to take in the chicken and tuna non the less.  I'll definately go and read that article.I'll just stick to caffiene pre-workout with the 10-20 grams of whey.


    Richard Schmitt

    No sir.  I just joined the forum and just bought the book on saturday.  I have been following a almost paleo diet for the past 3 weeks so the prep phase was unneccesary.  Last season, I competed using Skip Loading.  Not sure if you had heard of this.  I was eating basically less than 30g carbs per day until the Skip Load day "refeed" eating high GI carbs and very low fat and no protien.  Basically kids cereal, low fat poptarts and candy. I responded greatly however for off season, I felt like this might allow for more than normal life and also allowing me to keep my BF under control and lower than normal.  I will continue to eat more and regulate by mirror test in the morning.  I'm only eating 2 meals pre-workout which are protien and veggies.Also, with the pre-workout shake, is it going to raise my insulin to use optimum nutritions amino energy?

    Oh yes I've heard of Skip and his methods. Even seen the DVD he had about his diet routine. Pretty legit information. Well if you have the chance, go to http://dangerouslyhardcore.com/ look at the recent article and it will discuss maximum fat loss. If you're wanting to continue bodybuilding this method might be the right way to go. +1 on CBL help being part of a normal life, not that worry of saying you're "dieting" and looking at the menu or have to eat a certain way with family and friends. Lift heavy and enjoy the benefits. Now are you matching fat with the amount of protein in those meals? And yes it will raise insulin so I would advise to not use it.

    I'm trying to.  I'm eating 8 oz chicken with quacamole.  8 oz tuna with light mayo and almonds on both meals 28grams of almonds to be precise.  I'm really not eating that much during the day at all.  my appetite isn't high with the coffee and whipping cream but trying to take in the chicken and tuna non the less.  I'll definately go and read that article.I'll just stick to caffiene pre-workout with the 10-20 grams of whey.

    Oh boy...no sir no sir no. Chicken and tuna with mayo out...leave it for the first backload meal if anything. Stick to fatty cuts of beef, bacon, eggs, coconut oil, butter for that ULC period. I know it possibly goes against everything but trust me it works and what is needed. The 10g of whey would be for someone who is Density Bulking. Just stick to straight coffee/caffeine pre workout if truly need a pick-me-up. If not, do training semi-fasted.



    Oh boy...no sir no sir no. Chicken and tuna with mayo out...leave it for the first backload meal if anything. Stick to fatty cuts of beef, bacon, eggs, coconut oil, butter for that ULC period. I know it possibly goes against everything but trust me it works and what is needed. The 10g of whey would be for someone who is Density Bulking. Just stick to straight coffee/caffeine pre workout if truly need a pick-me-up. If not, do training semi-fasted.So basically I'm completely f'ing up! haha.  So would it be better if I prepared fatty ribeye steak, hard boiled eggs, bacon and veggies?  I read in the book where it said if it has a face at one point it was safe.  What makes chicken a no go?  Isn't the goal to eat protien and fat with green veggies?  It's almost like a keto diet pre-workout then right?


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh boy...no sir no sir no. Chicken and tuna with mayo out...leave it for the first backload meal if anything. Stick to fatty cuts of beef, bacon, eggs, coconut oil, butter for that ULC period. I know it possibly goes against everything but trust me it works and what is needed. The 10g of whey would be for someone who is Density Bulking. Just stick to straight coffee/caffeine pre workout if truly need a pick-me-up. If not, do training semi-fasted.

    So basically I'm completely f'ing up! haha.  So would it be better if I prepared fatty ribeye steak, hard boiled eggs, bacon and veggies?  I read in the book where it said if it has a face at one point it was safe.  What makes chicken a no go?  Isn't the goal to eat protien and fat with green veggies?  It's almost like a keto diet pre-workout then right?Yes eat the fatty cut of rib eye!! Of course that is true, however you need to get a 1:1 in protein and fat in grams for the ULC times. Lean protein like chicken is free game in the first meal of a backload.



    Man, thanks so much Big Tex.  this is a ton of help.  I've been reading that article you suggested and will be implementing your suggestions.  appreciate it


    Richard Schmitt

    Man, thanks so much Big Tex.  this is a ton of help.  I've been reading that article you suggested and will be implementing your suggestions.  appreciate it

    Most welcome and have fun and good luck with your CBL

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Just starting CBL. How many carbs should I eat during my CBL?

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