Ketogenic Living-For the Love of Life

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    This is just One of Dozens of articles piping up worldwide really. Ketogenic diets are becoming more and more popular amounts health professionals. Just thought I would share this because this is a heavy ketogenic ratio, and has shown to suppress even aggressive cancer.



    Awesome bach. Thanks for this. I just shot this off to my friends and family. try to get it through their thick skulls



    No problem! Its a hard concept to grasp for some thats for sure.



    Nice little read, thanks for sharing! I emailed it to my mom who fought cancer about 10 years ago through drastic change in diet. (Doctors sent her home to die, said there was nothing more they could do besides chemo which would only prolong her life a few months…)I'm sure she'll find that article very interesting. 🙂



    Wow thats terrific! Hope she does!


    Brandon D Christ

    I have heard there is some promising research in this field.  It makes sense.  One of the things that causes cancer cells to grow is the mTOR pathway being open all the time due to high insulin levels.  A ketogenic diet would keep mTOR under control.



    Indeed there are numerous ways that Ketogenic living suppress, and in some cases kill cancer. Quite excited to see where this research leads the fight against cancer(s) in the future.



    Robb has mentioned on his podcast for awhile that there have been some pretty significant successes in fighting cancer using low-carb approaches. Pretty cool stuff! But it seems that it's only for some types, other types can actually become more aggressive under a low carb approach

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Ketogenic Living-For the Love of Life

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