Kettlebells and Spinal health

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    This is just an abstract, but it brings into perspective some of the more unknown benefits of using the kettlebell, Creating good body mechanics. The Study is by Stuart Mcgill, a very well known spinal health professional point really is about the fact that exercising is not all about getting bigger, leaner or stronger. Most of the time we should be focusing on just "Moving Better" This is my main reason for being a Personal Trainer, i obviously enjoy seeing anybody get results, but when that person comes to me and says they have been able to reduce medication, stop using mobility aids or even just be able to carry out their daily duties without discomfort due to my help, that is the best feeling ever.Obviously this is only part of the study but i just wanted to draw attention to the fact that training should be making your lives easier, better and MORE functional. It is not all about muscles and abs, what good are they if you can't play with your kids or ge up off the floor without groaning?This one is Eric Cressey interview With dr McGill regarding general spinal health for lifters;jsessionid=FAEFCAC99079938E9E7627F0BD724044-mcd01.hydra



    This is truly moving.  When I first started using a KB (just swings and goblet squats) I was surprised at the really weird places I got DOMS.  I soon noticed my lower  back had never felt better, and my squat technique was improved.

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Kettlebells and Spinal health

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