Kiefer convinced me to start smoking (e-cigs).

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    …. Sorta. And only E-cigsIve never smoked in my life, but I was looking into vaping because of its cognitive benefits. I consider myself a pretty smart guy, but I do have ADD and can get pretty spacey. So, I started looking at E-cigs after reading these: I read this: pretty much sealed the deal for me.I really hate gum, and nicotine gum wouldn't really do much for me either. Plus, E-cigs have the added benefit of being able to use it as an excuse for a "smoke break" at work and to socialize with others. Plus all the tasty flavors. So... anyone see any problem with this? Anyone else thought of using E-cigs in lue of gum for fat loss, M-tor activation, and cognitive benefits?I use the equivalent of light cigs as fat as the nicotine concentration I use, but I use it pretty liberally through my ULC portion of the day. I am likely using allot more nicotine then Kiefer recommends through the day, but I have yet to hear of any downsides from the nicotine itself.



    The first problem is you're adding a potentially expensive habit.  You have to refill those cartridges. However..  you can buy the stock.  Lorillard Inc ($LO).  It pays a 5% dividend to boot!  Might as well invest.But the biggest issue?"being able to use it as an excuse for a "smoke break" at work and to socialize with others."Now you'd be getting real 2nd hand smoke from people who actually smoke.  I'd steer clear of those folks.  Nicotine is one thing.  The cacogenic from cigarettes are entirely different.  There's nothing healthy about 2nd hand smoke.Just pretend it's a pen and smoke that up in the cube!



    Plus I think the benefit is because it is delivered over time not instant like smoking.



    I think ive seen somewhere that even the E-cigs cause inflammation in the lungs. I think it was on a poster in the hallways here at my college. I can go find it and see what it says and maybe the source if yall want.



    Ya. That would be great. Also, ya. Good point on that second hand thing.Loven the taste and flavor variety thought. And wiping out my death stick and blowing smoke indoors while others stare with raised eyebrows is just fun.



    the poster just said it was a study done by Harvard. no other specifics.



    Funny I have ADD too and nicotine helps me a bunch.I heard there was bad stuff in e-cigs, though (feel free to correct me), and I have recently found a brand of inexpensive Japanese nicotine gum, so I don't see why I would use them unless the delivery method is superior to gum. Besides, I box and chewing gum toughens the jaw 😛

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Kiefer convinced me to start smoking (e-cigs).

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