Kiefer & Dr. Rocky Patel on Paleo f(x)

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    Adrian Caron


    liked this one a lot more than the last few podcasts i listened to with kiefer as they actually let him talk instead of stepping all over him like other hosts do..he brings up the same argument about removing gluten and re-introducing it.. although he does make a  point on trying to introduce it at least now and then so the body can somewhat handle it and doesn't have such a severe reaction in the future if you do ingest some not sure if i agree with that though.


    Just finished listening to this.  Good interview.  Loved the discussion around hormetics.


    Richard Schmitt

    Just a heads up, that these two (and probably more, unsure) but from the podcast itself they seem to be making an appearance to the April Paleo f(x) Show in Austin.



    Just a heads up, that these two (and probably more, unsure) but from the podcast itself they seem to be making an appearance to the April Paleo f(x) Show in Austin.

    Keith and Michelle Norris are the founders/hosts of Paleo f(x).


    Richard Schmitt

    My mistake. Well the show in Austin, they'll be there.



    My mistake. Well the show in Austin, they'll be there.

    You mean Keifer and Dr. Patel? Keifer was there last year and his panels were the best.. Lots of shock value and healthy arguments, ha. Wish I was going again this year.



    My mistake. Well the show in Austin, they'll be there.

    and....I thought Paleo was a dirty word....(leaves in a huff)

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Kiefer & Dr. Rocky Patel on Paleo f(x)

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