Kiefer vs. Robb Wolf

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    Hey guys,just saw pics of Robb online and thought to myself, how in the world should this guy deadlift more than Kiefer? Kiefer stated in more than one occasion that Robb lifts more than him. But just look at him. And look at Kiefer. Are the pics too old or what's wrong here?Appreciate your input!t0x


    Kiefer doesn't deadlift often and I wont use a belt so he doesn't go over whatever his current max it because he feels like when he tries to go heavier without the belt that his abdomen is being ripped out. Or something like that.



    Strength /= hypertrophy Kiefer has tons of injuries



    Then – in my opinion – it doens't make much sense to state he hates Robb Wolf because he lifts more ;).



    Well on Robb Wolf's website it states a 565 deadlift in competition. Which would be pretty good for someone more concerned with aesthetics(Kiefer). I think Kiefer's weight is in the 210-230 so that deadlift would be about 2.5 times his bodyweight. That is a pretty good ratio.



    robb-wolf-paleo-solution.jpegI really have a hard time believing that the guy above shall lift more than this guy... johnkeifer.jpg



    Haha have you heard of powerlifting?



    1)Kiefer states all the time that he doesn't get to train as much as he'd like to anymore.2)As someone said already, strength does not necessarily ensue from hypertrophy, and Kiefer seems much more focused on hypertrophy.3)I don't think Kiefer cares about deadlifting.  On one of the podcasts he talks about his maxes from back in the day, and his max bench was about on par with his max deadlift and squat.


    Brandon D Christ

    Kiefer was a bodybuilder, Robb was a powerlifter.  That is why.


    Richard Schmitt

    Kiefer was a bodybuilder, Robb was a powerlifter.  That is why.

    +1 yep was going to state this as well!Like mentioned before and will say it again Hypertrophy doesn't always mean strength.



    Thanks for explaining the difference between hypertrophy and strength >.<My point is that Robb looks quite like he doesn't even work out.. but enough of that. If he has been a powerlifter in the past I guess it could be possible.. gn8.



    My point is that Robb looks quite like he doesn't even work out..

    Deadlift muscles aren't really "show" muscles like biceps and pecks.


    Brandon D Christ

    Well can Robb still pull that?  Are you sure that wasn't his deadlift back from his competition days?


    Well can Robb still pull that?  Are you sure that wasn't his deadlift back from his competition days?

    It most likely was. He has said all his lifts are much lower then they used to be simply because it's not his focus any more.



    Well can Robb still pull that?  Are you sure that wasn't his deadlift back from his competition days?

    Ya that is why I made sure to note it was in competition.

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Kiefer vs. Robb Wolf

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