Kiefer, what’s your deadlift max?

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    Brandon D Christ

    Where you training now?

    I'm training at Lifeforce now.  It's a pretty cool gym, it has a monolift even.  Celli's looks really awesome from their website.  Is that gym private or can anyone join?



    Its public. Its legit


    Joseph Conti

    If anyone wants a training partner in Pittsburgh let me know. Im moving to the city in a couple weeks so going to be going to a new gym. Let me knowGo Steelers

    pshannon,I would definately be interested. I should be in the city by August 22nd if not a couple days earlier. I'm going to have an appartment in North Oakland. Where do you usually train when you are in the city?

    I'm moving to lawrenceville around that same time. I was thinking about going to Celli's down there. Awesome gym for all power movements. Its a real gym compared to the big box stuff. What about you? What are your stats btw?

    I tested my squat max last week...did 355 (below parallel) no belt, at probably 210. I know I could do more if I hadn't decided to go CNS the day or two before. And I had been back or front squatting every workout before that one for a couple weeks mixed in with some HIIT. Deadlift max was 420 no belt. And I know I can hit way more. I'm retesting that max this Wed or Fri I believe, depending on how I feel. Bench has always been my weakest. The max I have ever done is 235 but I believe that has gone up since the last time I tested. I will testing that later today or tomorrow.My current goals: Stay on CNS to not only lose some body fat, but also looking for that "anabolic effect" I've heard Kiefer speak of. I would love to gain strength while on CNS even if I lose muscle. I don't know what routine I will be following once I get off the prep phase; however, I do know I want to do the DH Bench Challenge because it looks so freaking fun! I would love to run CNS, then go DH Heavy Duty with the anabolic effect in my favor. I typically have followed powerlifting routines because I learned that I had absolutely no strength when I was trying BB routines haha. I have been obsessed with lifting/"nutrition" for a couple years now, but now my obsession is the highest it's ever been haha. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing.What are your stats/goals?



    Dude your numbers look good. I am more on the BB split right now. Haven't tested my maxes in a few months now actually. Last time I tested was...Squat : 225 Deadlift: 340 Bench:185 (no spot) I'm sitting at around 170 right now, and working with John Meadows for my training. I really like his training, and my passion is also at an all time high. Yeah if you want to train I would be down man. Send me a PM and we can set something up.



    He stated in a podcast he could do 405lb and wasn't interested in going any higher than that.

    What podcast?  I thought that was his bench max?  I don't recall him talking about his deadlift.....


    Damon Amato

    I think it was the one with Nate miyaki maybe?  I'm certain it was his deadlift. His bench he said he could do 385lb for triples.

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Kiefer, what’s your deadlift max?

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