Kiefer’s “Glycemic Loading” principle

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    On Aug 9, 2012, Kiefer was on the J&M Strength and Conditioning Radio BlogTalk Radio Feed, which is available on iTunes.  During the interview, Kiefer discussed that sometimes he recommends his “Glycemic Loading” principle to strongman competitors to sustain their strength and endurance.  Kiefer stated that with his “Glycemic Loading” principle he recommends adding extremely low glycemic  carbs to the first half of the day then during and or after the training session higher glycemic  carbs are added.  I searched the forum and the below quotes were from members about Kiefer’s “Glycemic Loading” principle.“Glycemic Loading, i.e. higher glycemic later in the backload, even using some low glycemic pre workout, generaly for intense training protocols”“I think Glycemic loading was for his strongman competitors, due to such a high caloric demand he would have carbs the whole day, starting from low GI, then after the workout high GI. Not just a backload window.”Does anyone one know what type of extremely low glycemic carbs Kiefer used in his “Glycemic Loading” principle?



    I heard him talking about giving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to people pre workout for 'slow release' of glucose (because of the fat in the pb).

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Kiefer’s “Glycemic Loading” principle

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