Language specific part?

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  • #4302

    Jack O'Neill

    Hi all,Do you think it would be interesting to create specific parts of this forum in other languages?As for me I'm french and I know that many Frenchies are not friend with English. It would be maybe interesting.What do you think about it?


    Richard Schmitt

    Hi all,Do you think it would be interesting to create specific parts of this forum in other languages?As for me I'm french and I know that many Frenchies are not friend with English. It would be maybe interesting.What do you think about it?

    Could be a useful update to bring up to Kiefer and his Crew. I'll ask and discuss with him. Maybe a feature to help choose a language based on what you can understand better.


    Jack O'Neill

    I thought about a specific part of the forum in several languages.Or eventually a specific language part for each section of the forum (CBL and CNS)But this feature would need some specific moderators for each language? Difficult to do I think



    Kiefer should think about making a Japanese translation for his books, the Japanese are health crazy, would probably sell great and he could become a celebrity in Japan and spokes-model for bacon.



    Well, if you need help in polish, let me know via pm or mail 🙂



    If a German sub-forum comes up, I will, as usual, insult everybody there in English.



    If a German sub-forum comes up, I will, as usual, insult everybody there in English.

    ;D ;D ;DI bet ze Germans are backloading with beer and pretzels, that must be fun.

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Language specific part?

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