Last minute fast fatloss

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    I have been doing CNS now for 8 weeks and things are going great. I have lost about 8% bodyfat while gaining strenght and keeping my muscle. I started at 24% and now i'm at 16%. In 3 weeks i'm leaving for Lloret de mar (spain). I was wondering if there is system you can follow for just a week, or maybe two weeks that gives some extra fast fat loss. Its just, after all these years of being fat, i would love to have visible abs. I asume that if i reach 13 % (if the fat loss rate continues like it has) they will be a bit visible but i'm a bit hungry for more. I'm not asking about drugs, or shortcuts, but i'm thinking in terms of maybe extra workouts, nutritional tips that can speed things up a bit, but that are not for longterm usage. Extra infoweight: 89kg (196 lbsàheight: 1m90 (6ft3)bodyfat: 16%current diet: CNScurrent training routien: Starting Strenght Extra: HIIT cardio first and second day after CarbniteSupplements: Caffeïne, Multivit, Vit D Thanks for the information



    Protein Sparing Modified Fast diets work well for quick weight loss, but there are cons.  You'll constantly be hungry and you will most definitely lose some muscle.  PSMF + Starting Strength is a very poor combination, so I would change your programming if you decide to do it.For an idea of a PSMF diet, take a look at Lyle Mcdonald's Rapid Fat Loss diet.


    For a short period of time, both adding more HIIT and reducing food intake both on ULC and thing slightly less on carb night, mostly less fat.The PSMF is a good for fast weight loss, I'll agree there.



    Thank you for the information. Muscle loss is not something I want so i will just do 3 days of HIIT instead of 2. And do it for 35 minutes instead of 25. I also tought of swimming on my rest days. I asume that swimming (if not overdone) won't cause muscle loss.

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Last minute fast fatloss

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