My current routine is loosely based on the MI40 principle rather than routine. For example my rest between sets is 40 seconds, I attempt to work the muscle from it’s shortest range first, the eccentric portion of the exercise is between two to four seconds, and I focus a lot on the angles that I work muscle groups as well as extending sets. But rather than have one or two designated “leg days” a week, I prefer to split my leg routine in to the program.
An example of what I want may be:
Back & Leg day:
Bent Over Dumbbell Row – 4×8
Bent Over Barbell Row – 3×8 (5 partials at the end of each set)
T-Bar Row(Wide grip pulling towards the chest) – 3×10
Lying Leg Curl – 5×10((6 partials at end of each set)
Romanian Dead Lift – 5×5-8
Does anyone have a suggestion on a specific trainer who does something similar? Such as Bret Contreras or Ben Pakulski or whomever that you can point in me in the direction of?
Or do you have any suggestion on some leg routines that I may add to my routine? I have a difficult time staying motivated an entire leg day and definitely lose focus on “longer” leg sets. I like to hit muscle groups more than once a week as well.
Thank you for any insights or assistance.