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    The super thing about Leucine is that it gives a huge insulin spike without the carb load. So adding Leucine to your shake with carbs will pump those carbs even faster into your muscles and clear the carbs from your system even quicker.On CNS it has a number of benefits, again the insulin spoke to get out of a catabolic state without carbs. What this will also do is clear the carbs that your body has created during anaerobic exercise and push these into your muscles thus pushing you back into a fat burning state again.

    Very cool science behind that dude! Im still prep phasing and in extending myDays just to get a better effect and im training tonight, do i throwIn some carbs strait after training? Like a banana? Still waitig on my leucine and waxy



    If in prep phase then no carbs just Leucine protein etc. Treat prep phase like carb nite, no carbs at all for 10 days



    Ok sweet! Whey isolate it is and a big feed to get me through till friday!!



    The super thing about Leucine is that it gives a huge insulin spike without the carb load. So adding Leucine to your shake with carbs will pump those carbs even faster into your muscles and clear the carbs from your system even quicker.On CNS it has a number of benefits, again the insulin spoke to get out of a catabolic state without carbs. What this will also do is clear the carbs that your body has created during anaerobic exercise and push these into your muscles thus pushing you back into a fat burning state again.

    Forgive me if this has been discussed elsewhere, but if I take 2 scoops of whey PWO that whey has 5g leucine in it...is it necessary to add addtl leucine or is that enough?There was an article in a recent Flex Mag on Leucine and seemed to show that most individuals can get an insulin spike from as little as 2g.Very cool science behind that dude! Im still prep phasing and in extending myDays just to get a better effect and im training tonight, do i throwIn some carbs strait after training? Like a banana? Still waitig on my leucine and waxy


    Anyone using leucine at the moment and getting good results? say if the goal is to build lean mass adding this and some waxy maize 40g max pwo is a good mix with the whey or bit keen?

    Leucine is essential!Let's put it this way, post-workout on CNS, all I intake is: 1 scoop whey protein isolate5g creatine monohydrate10g l-glutamine12g BCAA's (potency of 8:1:1 in favor of Leucine)pinch of table salt(in 32oz. water)...and I am growing muscle as well as losing fat.  That is unheard of on CNS.  It is part to do with my genetics, but I am helping them along with the right nutrition and supplements!Cory

    Cory,  Curious why the pinch of salt?  Also why not any Whey Hydrolysate? I've been taking 20g isolate and 20g hydro pwo? Is that too much, I noticed you only do 20g? Is there a reason it's only 20g?

    Pinch of salt is a trick I learned from Steve Reeves (classic bodybuilder / actor).  It aids in vascularity, especially when you're so depleted by a diet.  What can I say?  I liked to be pumped!I stick with Isolate, b/c that is what the CNS book suggested.  Creature of habit, I suppose.  Isolate was also pushed in an old CBL article in M&F about a year ago.  2 scoops isn't too much, I just use 1 b/c that is how my diet panned out.  This was after ensuring I had ample protein in my other meals.  I didn't want to exceed 1.3g/lb. lean mass a day.  I am a bodybuilder, and used to that mapped-out way of eating.  Old habits die hard.Cory

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