Leucine PWO

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    What is the ideal amount to enhance anabolic signaling post-workout?


    Jeremy Wade

    Quoted from an article by Kiefer at this link:  http://www.dangerouslyhardcore.com/524/the-secret-of-leucine/ back in July of 2010"Layne Norton did a back-of-the-envelope calculation and came to the reasonable conclusion that a meal needs to provide roughly 3.2 g of leucine to activate growth pathways. Insulin may be an upstream regulator of mTOR, but it also increases the potency of leucine on the downstream side. This is the why behind my recommendations for 5 g of leucine supplementation per protein shake, for usage with meals and post-workout. Leucine, supplemented at this level, in combination with food and the extra protein should produce a highly anabolic state and the nutrients necessary to sustain it."I read more recent suggestions by Kiefer that you only supplement with Leucine once per day with your post-workout-shake, but I am unable to find where I read that right now.



    After reviewing some of Kiefer's past work, 5g PWO sounds correct.


    Jeremy Wade

    After reviewing some of Kiefer's past work, 5g PWO sounds correct.

    Indeed.  That is my understanding as well, and I am finding that most places I go to for advice also agree with 5g PWO.Strange, because usually other trainers and nutrition/fitness experts will disagree with Kiefer, even if only because it is what they always do....



    Does anyone know what the recommendations are for leucine/creatine on off days? I don't remember reading anything about that.


    Damon Amato

    as an addendum, I'm looking at rilose at protein factory and it looks like you can add “carbogen” for 75 cents more.  It says it's a “special enzyme formula for carbohydrate metabolism” but not much more than that.  Anyonw know what actually is and how it would benefit?



    5 grams of creatine should be taken everyday.



    I believe in one of the articles he says 5g's creatine in the pre workout shake and 5g creatine pwo.  Sometimes I take it on off days to.  As for leucine he says in his articles that you should take it every meal after a workout.  Doesn't say how much though.



    5 grams of leucine


    Damon Amato

    where and in what form are you guys getting your leucine?  I'm seeing a lot of options here and not sure the best one to get.



    I've always been partial to powdered supplements (creatine, leucine, etc.) I just ordered this 500 gram tub for dirt cheap.http://www.dpsnutrition.net/get_item_pe065.htm


    Naomi Most

    I've always been partial to powdered supplements (creatine, leucine, etc.) I just ordered this 500 gram tub for dirt cheap.http://www.dpsnutrition.net/get_item_pe065.htm

    Last night I dumped about 1/4 C of leucine powder out of the bottle and all over my hand, expecting pills to come out.  *facepalm*



    5 grams of creatine should be taken everyday.

    Kiefer mentions in his article that creatine should be taken with every meal, roughly 5 grams of EPA/DHA, and leucine (3-5 grams) should be taken with every meal post-workout



    I've always been partial to powdered supplements (creatine, leucine, etc.) I just ordered this 500 gram tub for dirt cheap.http://www.dpsnutrition.net/get_item_pe065.htm

    Last night I dumped about 1/4 C of leucine powder out of the bottle and all over my hand, expecting pills to come out.  *facepalm*

    Wow... If one were to look up "facepalm" in the dictionary this would be the definition. HAHA!!! That's hilarious yet tragic



    5 grams seems like such small doses to me.  I wonder if more would hurt?  Like creatine, is more better?Btw- I can't tell you how many times i've dropped supplements because I was holding them by the lid and they spilled all over...  I wouldn't feel soo bad if it didn't cost so much.

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Leucine PWO

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