Lifting and Rushfit

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    Hello all.I have been a lurker (stalker) on the forums for a long time but I have not seen a question like mine so I thought it was time to ask.I have read both CNS and CBL and have a question regarding what I intend on doing.A bit about me:6'-6" Male  44 Around 205 - 21016 % BF - Best I can figure using calipers (JP 7 site method)Right now I lift 3 days a week (M-W-F)Do a backload on Friday night. (I assume this would be considered CNS)Typical LC day:Wake 6 amcoffee with HWC (4-5 Tbls through the morning)Noon - Protein, salad, veggie, olive oilAfternoon snack - coffee with HWCDinner (around 8 pm) - same as lunch but more of it and usually have berries with sour cream and splenda for dessert.When I do work out it is around 5 pm.I am developing muscle aesthetically in the mirror but seem to be doing nothing for the love handles.  I have read that they are the last to go and usually the first on.Here is my question.  I am thinking about keeping the lifting (M-W-F), but adding RushFit (T-TH-S in the mornings) Sunday off with a backload on Friday night still.My goal is to maintain muscle if not even grow, but finally push to get these love handles off my body!!Any suggestions?Thanks for any input.


    Richard Schmitt

    I don't see the question. If you plan to backload then do so after resistance training in the evenings. Go ULC other days



    Try limiting the HWC in the morning, and follow a CNS oriented plan.  Only backload only your heaviest day, and make it a big backload



    Big Tex, My apologies…..  I guess my post was more of a statement.  My questions are:1.  Is rushfit an ok type of cardio (I assume it would be considered cardio) on the non-lifting days.  2.  Is 3 days a week adequate? Too little?  Too much?  For my intentions (last stubborn fat "love handles").3.  Is a backload once a week CNS (Friday after lifting) enough? or should I be more towards CBL and backload after every lifting session (M-W-F)?CCT, I think you more or less answered my question 3, CNS type of plan vs. CBL would give better results for the stubborn remaining body fat?


    Richard Schmitt

    Big Tex, My apologies.....  I guess my post was more of a statement.  My questions are:1.  Is rushfit an ok type of cardio (I assume it would be considered cardio) on the non-lifting days.  2.  Is 3 days a week adequate? Too little?  Too much?  For my intentions (last stubborn fat "love handles").3.  Is a backload once a week CNS (Friday after lifting) enough? or should I be more towards CBL and backload after every lifting session (M-W-F)?CCT, I think you more or less answered my question 3, CNS type of plan vs. CBL would give better results for the stubborn remaining body fat?

    1) Fasted in the mornings wouldn't be a harmful ideal. As long as you're recovering and eating properly.2) Honestly diet comes into play for removing those and being consistent at it. I still have those issues too!3) It depends on your goals. If pure fat loss go with CNS, if you want to add muscle while losing fat do CBL.



    Thanks Tex.I am thinking I would be better off taking my time and CBL vs CNS to gain muscle while slowly losing fat.  I assume the more muscle I am able to put on, the more calories (ie. fat) my body will use?I appreciate the input.


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh yes more muscle means a lot more benefits in terms of burning fat even while at rest.

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Lifting and Rushfit

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