Looking for recommendations on a 8 week PL Schedule.

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    Robert x Oleary

    This is one for the Power Lifters/ Strength seekers. After a year of aesthetic training my over all strength has plateaued and in some cases decreased. I have about 8 weeks starting Monday before I need to get back on prep for CO state champs, but I want to go in to it with more strength, or I feel I'll just be spinning my wheels. I'm no powerlifter, and the only gym buddies I have are aesthetic seekers as well. So I'm reaching out for some experienced advice. What would be a good, brief program/schedule you might recommend for an beginner PL, but experienced lifter? Any direction, or advice,  or experience to share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Brandon D Christ

    What is your height, weight, and lift numbers in the lifts you want to specialize?


    Robert x Oleary

    I would really like to improve my bench and deadlift. I'm hover around 195-205, and I'm 6″. I didn't even know height and weight played a role in your training for PL. Hah!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    I just finished the Ed Coan Mark Philippi 10 week deadlift cycle and I really enjoyed it..http://www.powerliftingtowin.com/coan-philippi-deadlift-routine/And a handy calculator for it:http://tsampa.org/training/scripts/coan_phillipi_deadlift/


    Brandon D Christ

    I would really like to improve my bench and deadlift. I'm hover around 195-205, and I'm 6". I didn't even know height and weight played a role in your training for PL. Hah!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    What are your numbers on bench and deadlift?  Your weight and numbers are important because it gives me an idea of how advanced your strength levels are relative for your size.  For instance, Lifter A and B can both bench 300 lbs.  Lifter A is 250 lbs and Lifter B is 148.  5x5 @ 80% would be appropriate for lifter A, but it would probably kill lifter B because he is much more advanced in terms of strength.  And your height/weight combo tell me whether or not you need to focus on volume or intensity.


    Robert x Oleary

    Dang… Powerlifting is so much more proactively strategic than BB… Very cool!I'm pretty weak I feel(I so rarely ever do 1 RMs in aesthetics), 1 RMs areBench: I believe 265(I mostly train DBs for the RoM). Squat: 345 (prone to training wide stance and upper trap bar position)Dead: 365 (I've only ever trained feet hip width apart hand shoulder width). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Brandon D Christ

    Dang... Powerlifting is so much more proactively strategic than BB... Very cool!I'm pretty weak I feel(I so rarely ever do 1 RMs in aesthetics), 1 RMs areBench: I believe 265(I mostly train DBs for the RoM). Squat: 345 (prone to training wide stance and upper trap bar position)Dead: 365 (I've only ever trained feet hip width apart hand shoulder width). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    A couple different things I could recommend.  Are you doing a meet or are you just looking for 8 weeks of training?


    Robert x Oleary

    Dang... Powerlifting is so much more proactively strategic than BB... Very cool!I'm pretty weak I feel(I so rarely ever do 1 RMs in aesthetics), 1 RMs areBench: I believe 265(I mostly train DBs for the RoM). Squat: 345 (prone to training wide stance and upper trap bar position)Dead: 365 (I've only ever trained feet hip width apart hand shoulder width). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    A couple different things I could recommend.  Are you doing a meet or are you just looking for 8 weeks of training?

    I feel far to weak to even consider competing in PL. I'm hoping to get some strength behind be before I go back into Men's Physique prep.


    Robert x Oleary

    I just finished the Ed Coan Mark Philippi 10 week deadlift cycle and I really enjoyed it..http://www.powerliftingtowin.com/coan-philippi-deadlift-routine/And a handy calculator for it:http://tsampa.org/training/scripts/coan_phillipi_deadlift/

    And thanks for sharing TCB. Sorry, I didnt catch this earlier.


    Brandon D Christ

    Dang... Powerlifting is so much more proactively strategic than BB... Very cool!I'm pretty weak I feel(I so rarely ever do 1 RMs in aesthetics), 1 RMs areBench: I believe 265(I mostly train DBs for the RoM). Squat: 345 (prone to training wide stance and upper trap bar position)Dead: 365 (I've only ever trained feet hip width apart hand shoulder width). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    A couple different things I could recommend.  Are you doing a meet or are you just looking for 8 weeks of training?

    I feel far to weak to even consider competing in PL. I'm hoping to get some strength behind be before I go back into Men's Physique prep.

    I would just do a simple a 5/3/1 program.  Are you familiar with that?


    Robert x Oleary

    No, but I planned in googling a bit about PL periodization later.  I'll look into it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Rob Haas

    Dang... Powerlifting is so much more proactively strategic than BB... Very cool!I'm pretty weak I feel(I so rarely ever do 1 RMs in aesthetics), 1 RMs areBench: I believe 265(I mostly train DBs for the RoM). Squat: 345 (prone to training wide stance and upper trap bar position)Dead: 365 (I've only ever trained feet hip width apart hand shoulder width). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    5/3/1 is a great strength program to start out with. Also work on lowering bar position for squats. This alone will add weight to the bar. For deadlifts, even though you lift conventional add sumo in and deficit lifting. All will add weight to the bar. For bench, work on tucking elbows in and keeping shoulders tucked and tight. Lat engagement will add to the bench.


    Brandon D Christ

    Dang... Powerlifting is so much more proactively strategic than BB... Very cool!I'm pretty weak I feel(I so rarely ever do 1 RMs in aesthetics), 1 RMs areBench: I believe 265(I mostly train DBs for the RoM). Squat: 345 (prone to training wide stance and upper trap bar position)Dead: 365 (I've only ever trained feet hip width apart hand shoulder width). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    5/3/1 is a great strength program to start out with. Also work on lowering bar position for squats. This alone will add weight to the bar. For deadlifts, even though you lift conventional add sumo in and deficit lifting. All will add weight to the bar. For bench, work on tucking elbows in and keeping shoulders tucked and tight. Lat engagement will add to the bench.

    For the most part I agree, but it probably wouldn't be worth it to Rx to change form for just an 8 week cycle.The 5/3/1 cycle is pretty easy.  It is as follows:Week 1:  1 set of 5 @ 65%, 1 set of 5 @ 75%, 1 set of 5+ @ 85% (the + means rep until you are fatigued, you don't have to go to failure, but you can if you are feeling good)Week 2:  1 set of 3 @ 70%, 1 set of 3 @ 80%, 1 set of 3+ @ 90%Week 3:  1 set of 5 @ 75%, 1 set of 3 @ 90%, 1 set of 1+ @ 95%Week 4: (Deload):  1 set of 5 @ 40%, 1 set of 5 @ 50%, 1 set of 5 @ 60%After week 4, you add 5 lbs to your bench and military press maxes and 10 lbs to your squat and deadlift maxes.Since you are only training for 8 weeks, we can cut out one of the deload weeks.Here is what I would recommend as a program:Day 1Squat 5/3/1Leg Curl or Glute Ham Raise 5x10Squat 5x5 (no specific %, just leave two reps in the tank for each set)Day 2Bench Press 5/3/1Row (use whatever variation you want) 5x10Bench press 5x5Day 3Deadlift 5/3/1Leg Press 5x10Good Morning 5x5Day 4Military Press 5/3/1Chin Up 5x10Military Press 5x5You can do stuff in addition to this, but you should keep the volume down and it shouldn't be strenuous as you need to make sure your nervous system isn't overtaxed.  As I mentioned, on the exercises where there is no percent, leave a rep or two in the tank on each set.  Maybe go to failure on the last set.I would do two cycles (week 1-3 for cycle one and week 4-6 for cycle 2) and then deload for week 7.  On week 8, you can ramp up to a one rep max in each exercise.


    Robert x Oleary

    Dang... Powerlifting is so much more proactively strategic than BB... Very cool!I'm pretty weak I feel(I so rarely ever do 1 RMs in aesthetics), 1 RMs areBench: I believe 265(I mostly train DBs for the RoM). Squat: 345 (prone to training wide stance and upper trap bar position)Dead: 365 (I've only ever trained feet hip width apart hand shoulder width). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    5/3/1 is a great strength program to start out with. Also work on lowering bar position for squats. This alone will add weight to the bar. For deadlifts, even though you lift conventional add sumo in and deficit lifting. All will add weight to the bar. For bench, work on tucking elbows in and keeping shoulders tucked and tight. Lat engagement will add to the bench.

    Great tips! Thank you!Unfortunately I have some lower back medical history that I'm working with, so I'm a little wary of doing the low bar position squats for fear of agitating it, but I'll test the waters to see if my back can handle it. A big part of this though is that I want to become a stronger bodybuilder I the end, not necessarily chasing big weights. So the targeted muscle recruitment for focused hypertrophy is why I've chosen these styles of lifting. I know it's stupid to try and focus on aesthetics while working on strength, but I'm hoping to still maintain as much of the optimal recruitment patterns for when I return to BB in a few months, and not necessarily chase optimal mechanical advantage. The beating I give my quads twice a week can handle a variation on back squats, but I'm already lacking in chest for the stage, and wonder of adding more lat recruitment will stymie my chest gains. Do you think it would be an insignificant factor for pec hypertrophy, or probably should stick with my regular wide out and in elbow RoM?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Robert x Oleary

    Dang... Powerlifting is so much more proactively strategic than BB... Very cool!I'm pretty weak I feel(I so rarely ever do 1 RMs in aesthetics), 1 RMs areBench: I believe 265(I mostly train DBs for the RoM). Squat: 345 (prone to training wide stance and upper trap bar position)Dead: 365 (I've only ever trained feet hip width apart hand shoulder width). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    5/3/1 is a great strength program to start out with. Also work on lowering bar position for squats. This alone will add weight to the bar. For deadlifts, even though you lift conventional add sumo in and deficit lifting. All will add weight to the bar. For bench, work on tucking elbows in and keeping shoulders tucked and tight. Lat engagement will add to the bench.

    For the most part I agree, but it probably wouldn't be worth it to Rx to change form for just an 8 week cycle.The 5/3/1 cycle is pretty easy.  It is as follows:Week 1:  1 set of 5 @ 65%, 1 set of 5 @ 75%, 1 set of 5+ @ 85% (the + means rep until you are fatigued, you don't have to go to failure, but you can if you are feeling good)Week 2:  1 set of 3 @ 70%, 1 set of 3 @ 80%, 1 set of 3+ @ 90%Week 3:  1 set of 5 @ 75%, 1 set of 3 @ 90%, 1 set of 1+ @ 95%Week 4: (Deload):  1 set of 5 @ 40%, 1 set of 5 @ 50%, 1 set of 5 @ 60%After week 4, you add 5 lbs to your bench and military press maxes and 10 lbs to your squat and deadlift maxes.Since you are only training for 8 weeks, we can cut out one of the deload weeks.Here is what I would recommend as a program:Day 1Squat 5/3/1Leg Curl or Glute Ham Raise 5x10Squat 5x5 (no specific %, just leave two reps in the tank for each set)Day 2Bench Press 5/3/1Row (use whatever variation you want) 5x10Bench press 5x5Day 3Deadlift 5/3/1Leg Press 5x10Good Morning 5x5Day 4Military Press 5/3/1Chin Up 5x10Military Press 5x5You can do stuff in addition to this, but you should keep the volume down and it shouldn't be strenuous as you need to make sure your nervous system isn't overtaxed.  As I mentioned, on the exercises where there is no percent, leave a rep or two in the tank on each set.  Maybe go to failure on the last set.I would do two cycles (week 1-3 for cycle one and week 4-6 for cycle 2) and then deload for week 7.  On week 8, you can ramp up to a one rep max in each exercise.

    Thank you Ibob! I'll give this a shot starting next week. Would it be alright to add 2 arms days? Or would that interfere with the focus of the program? Thanks so much, excited to do this. I checked out Wendler's 5/3/1, but didn't care as much for the supplemental exercises of his program.

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Looking for recommendations on a 8 week PL Schedule.

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