Looking for training partner in the Bay Area

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    Just wondering is there a good place on this forum to find a training partner? I was a long time Crossfitter until I blew out my back and I'm just getting back into training, but miss training with someone. It would be super helpful finding someone who loves to life as much as I do and can push me to train harder while understanding the needs of CNS. It'd be really great to train with someone that knows what they're doing, instead of all the meatheads in my gym that try to give me pointers and have crappy form.I'm located in Oakland and I usually train somewhere between 7-10am. Just a thought.


    Bradley R. Collins

    Too bad you're not closer to Vacaville.  I train and coach at a CF gym here where there are 5 of us that are doing CNS right now.  We're much more strength focussed than typical CF places as you can tell by my training log.



    Thanks Ace.Yeah, Vacaville is a bit far for a daily commute. lol.Plus, I was a CFer for years until I blew out my back doing OH Squats. No more of that stuff for me. 🙁

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Looking for training partner in the Bay Area

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